transcription, транскрипция: [ strɔ: ]
n. 1 dry cut stalks of grain for use as fodder or as material for thatching, packing, making hats, etc. 2 a single stalk or piece of straw. 3 a thin hollow paper or plastic tube for sucking drink from a glass etc. 4 an insignificant thing (not worth a straw). 5 the pale yellow colour of straw. 6 a straw hat. øcatch (or grasp) at a straw resort to an utterly inadequate expedient in desperation, like a person drowning. straw boss US an assistant foreman. straw-colour pale yellow. straw-coloured of pale yellow. straw in the wind a slight hint of future developments. straw vote (or poll) an unofficial ballot as a test of opinion. straw-worm a caddis-worm. øøstrawy adj. [OE streaw f. Gmc, rel. to STREW]