transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈtɔɪlɪt ]
n. 1 = LAVATORY. 2 the process of washing oneself, dressing, etc. (make one's toilet). 3 the cleansing of part of the body after an operation or at the time of childbirth. øtoilet paper (or tissue) paper for cleaning oneself after excreting. toilet roll a roll of toilet paper. toilet set a set of hairbrushes, combs, etc. toilet soap soap for washing oneself. toilet table a dressing-table usu. with a mirror. toilet-train cause (a young child) to undergo toilet-training. toilet-training the training of a young child to use the lavatory. toilet water a dilute form of perfume used after washing. [F toilette cloth, wrapper, dimin. f. toile: see TOILE]