/toy"lit/ , n.
1. a bathroom fixture consisting of a bowl, usually with a detachable, hinged seat and lid, and a device for flushing with water, used for defecation and urination.
2. a lavatory.
3. a bathroom.
4. See toilet bowl .
5. a dressing room, esp. one containing a bath.
6. the act or process of dressing or grooming oneself, including bathing and arranging the hair: to make one's toilet; busy at her toilet.
7. See toilet set .
8. the dress or costume of a person; any particular costume: toilet of white silk.
9. Surg. the cleansing of a part after childbirth or a wound after an operation.
10. Archaic. See dressing table .
11. go down (or in ) the toilet , to become worthless or profitless; be doomed: The team's entire season went down the toilet.
Also, toilette (for defs. 6, 8).
[ 1530-40; toilette small cloth, doily, dressing table, equiv. to toile TOIL 2 + -ette -ET ]