Shaheed-e-Thalith Qazi Nurullah Shustari : An eminent scholar - Qazi Nurullah Shustari entitled Zia-ud-Din known as Amir Sayyid and Shaheed-i-Thalis was born in 956 A.H./1549 A.D. at Shushtar, one of the cities of the present Khuzistan province in South of Iran. He was sayyid by lineage and belonged to the Mar'ashi family.
His father was Sayyid Sharif-ud-din and grandfather Sayyid Zia-ud-Din Nurullah. He got his early education at home from his father and the other teachers at town. After completion of it in the year 979 A.H., he went to Mashhad, the holy city in the Khurasan province.
Qazi Nurullah lived in the city for fifteen years and completed his education there under the guidancc of the profound masters of their subjects like Abdul Waheed Shushtari and many others.
Qazi Nurullah came to India in the year 992 A.H./1584 A.D. and was introduced to Mughal emperor Jalalud Din Akbar in the year 963 A. H./ 1556 A.D . by Hakim Abul Fath Gilani(d.997 A.H./1589 A.D.) and became one of the close associates of the emperor, who appointed him grand vizier and the chief justice of the empire . In judiciary department, he performed his duties so unbiasedly that even his sectarian opponents admitted of his equity, justice, fairness, honesty, nobility, modesty, piety, tolerance, wisdom, wittiness and his proficiency over various school of jurisprudence.
Martyrdom of Qazi Nurullah and his tomb: After the death of Mughal emperor Akbar (1605 A.D.) the bigoted group again rose to power at the imperial court. He was martyred on 18th Jamadi al-Thani in 1019 A.H./ 1610 A .D. for the reason that the he differed in his belief with the majority of the people and the bigoted group at the court of Jahangir (1605 - 1627 A.D.), the successor of Akbar.
His tomb, which is at Agra, has been the centre of pilgrimage since the day of his martyrdom. Poets praised him in their literary compositions in his lifetime and even after his martyrdom. Besides that many of his works with the description of his life have been translated into Arabic, Persian and Urdu.