Animation and video files that originally were designed for by Apple Corporation for Mac computers. Next came the software for playing quicktime video on PC computers. In late 1996, Apple announced that it was letting go of its proprietary rights so that Quicktime could become an open-platform recording standard. Now PC users can record and well as play back Quicktime video. Various playback utilities, including the always popular QuickTime playback software, can be downloaded free from < >. Quicktime is clearly the standard in the lead for WWW video. But Microsoft's replacement of Video for Windows with its newer Active Video software makes it a closer race for dominance in video software. (See also Active video , DVI , Video for Windows , Indeo , MPEG , Video , MCI , Ultimedia Video , Internet audio and video , and AVI )
Meaning of QUICKTIME in English
Jensen's Technology English Glossary. Английский словарь фирмы Jensen Technologies. 2012