Meaning of RDS in English

Related to ADO the Microsoft&reg Remote Data Service (RDS) for distributing data on the Internet. You can read the following at http://www.microsoft.com/data/ado/prodinfo.htm#Face

RDS Overview

Multiple sources...One control...Rich user experience...RDS is just that simple! The Microsoft&reg Remote Data Service (RDS) is your source for distributed data access through the Web. RDS makes full-featured, data-centric Web applications a reality by combining data manipulation of retrieved data, efficient client-side caching, and support for data-aware ActiveX&reg controls with an elegant and powerful programming model.

RDS is Bringing Data Access to the Web!

RDS goes beyond the current generation of Web data access tools by allowing clients to update the data they see. Using drop-in ActiveX data controls, such as grids, lists, and combo boxes, developers can deploy sophisticated user interfaces that allow end users to view and change data with a minimum of programming. End users are no longer restricted to staring at a static HTML results table. With RDS, they may now alter, add, and delete data they have queried and retrieved. In addition, all changes are buffered locally, and can be submitted to the server for inspection, processing and storage in the database.

The benefits of traditional client/server technology have migrated to the Web, and the read-only, static client is a thing of the past. By providing a local data cache, the end user is now able to navigate through large data sets without costly server round trips.

RDS provides the ability to invoke remote objects over HTTP and DCOM, enabling programmers to develop distributed Web applications that effectively partition application logic between Visual Basic&reg Scripting Edition code on the client and server objects. Automation objects written in Visual Basic can expose services to client-side applications, while protecting business logic and data from distribution. Developers are no longer restricted to choosing between "thin" or "fat" clients and servers. They can make an informed choice and partition their data and business logic accordingly.

(See Database. )

Jensen's Technology English Glossary.      Английский словарь фирмы Jensen Technologies.