Meaning of CLIMB in English


1. to climb up or down something

2. someone who climbs hills or mountains as a sport

3. climbing hills or mountains as a sport


see also

↑ UP



1. to climb up or down something

▷ climb /klaɪm/ [intransitive/transitive verb]

to move up towards the top of a wall, mountain, tree etc, using your hands and feet :

▪ Most kids love climbing trees.

▪ Trying not to look down, Alan began to climb.

climb up/over/onto etc

▪ Several fans climbed onto the roof of the arena to get a better view.

▪ One of the boys lost his footing as he was climbing up the steepest part of the cliff.

climb down

go down a wall, tree etc using your hands and feet

▪ The burglar escaped by climbing down a drainpipe.

▷ scale /skeɪl/ [transitive verb] especially written

to climb to the top of something very high, especially something that is very difficult or dangerous to climb :

▪ Somehow the men had scaled the twenty-foot wall without setting off the alarm.

▪ Rescuers had to scale a one-thousand-foot cliff before they could reach the injured climber.

▷ clamber /ˈklæmbəʳ/ [intransitive verb]

to climb in an awkward way or with difficulty, but moving fairly quickly :

clamber up/down/to etc

▪ At last we saw the two girls clambering down the slope to safety.

▪ Hundreds of people clambered to the roof of the building to watch the fire spread.

▷ shin up/down British /shinny up/down American /ˌʃɪn ˈʌp, ˈdaʊn, ˌʃɪni ˈʌp, ˈdaʊn/ [transitive phrasal verb not in passive]

to climb up or down something tall and narrow such as a pipe, tree, or rope, by wrapping your legs around it and pulling yourself up with your arms :

▪ I locked myself out of the house and had to shinny up a drainpipe to get in.

▪ We watched as small boys shinned up palm trees and brought coconuts down.

▪ Craig shinned down the rope to where we were standing.

▷ ascent /əˈsent/ [countable noun usually singular]

the act of climbing something, especially a mountain :

▪ The men began their final ascent at six o'clock the next day.

▪ He wrote a best-selling book about the first ascent of Everest.

2. someone who climbs hills or mountains as a sport

▷ climber /ˈklaɪməʳ/ [countable noun]

someone who climbs hills or rocks as a sport, especially using special equipment :

▪ The search is still continuing for a group of climbers reported missing in the Scottish highlands.

▪ an experienced climber

▷ mountaineer /ˌmaʊntɪˈnɪəʳ, ˌmaʊntəˈnɪəʳ/ [countable noun]

someone who climbs high mountains using special equipment :

▪ Most mountaineers dream of climbing Everest.

▪ Sports equipment stores in Alpine towns cater for the needs of walkers, hikers and mountaineers.

3. climbing hills or mountains as a sport

▷ climbing /ˈklaɪmɪŋ/ [uncountable noun]

the sport of climbing hills or mountains :

▪ Eva’s hobbies are horse-riding, climbing, and aerobics.

▪ strong climbing boots

rock climbing

the sport of climbing up steep rocks and cliffs

▪ Accident insurance does not cover you for dangerous activities such as rock climbing.

▷ mountaineering /ˌmaʊntɪˈnɪ ə rɪŋ, ˌmaʊntəˈnɪ ə rɪŋ/ [uncountable noun]

the sport of climbing high mountains using special equipment :

▪ I joined the mountaineering club when I went to university.

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