1. to have something inside
2. to be able to contain a particular amount
see also
1. to have something inside
▷ contain /kənˈteɪn/ [transitive verb not in progressive]
to have something inside, or to have something as a part - used especially on packages or in written descriptions :
▪ He opened the bag, which contained a razor, soap, and a towel.
▪ Some paints contain lead, which can be poisonous.
▪ Cigarettes containing less than 0.8 mg can be classified as ‘light’.
▪ The drawer contained various odds and ends.
▪ a pewter box containing Spanish coins from the 1540s
▷ have something in it /hæv something ˈɪn ɪt/
if a container, room, food or drink has something in it, something has been put into it :
▪ Does this coffee have sugar in it?
▪ Carol can’t eat anything that has nuts in it.
▪ The hallway had a huge grandfather clock in it.
2. to be able to contain a particular amount
▷ hold /həʊld/ [transitive verb]
if something holds 50 people, 10 litres etc, that is the amount it can contain :
▪ This jug holds about two litres.
▪ The lecture theatre can hold up to 200 students.
▪ A blank data disk can hold about 360,000 characters.
▷ take /teɪk/ [transitive verb not in progressive or passive] especially British
to only have enough space to contain a particular number or amount, but no more :
▪ The car can only take five people.
▪ The bookshelves won’t take any more books.
▷ can carry /kən ˈkæri/
if a vehicle or ship can carry a particular number of things or people, it has enough space inside for them to go in it :
▪ The helicopters can carry eight soldiers each.
▪ The ferry can carry 300 passengers, plus 100 vehicles.