1. a doctor
2. a doctor who treats mental illnesses
3. a doctor who treats people’s teeth
4. a doctor who treats animals
see also
1. a doctor
▷ doctor /ˈdɒktəʳǁˈdɑːk-/ [countable noun]
someone whose job is to treat people who are sick or injured :
▪ Doctor, I keep getting a pain in my throat.
▪ Tracy is interested in journalism, but Sarah wants to be a doctor.
▪ She looks very ill - you’d better call a doctor.
see a doctor
visit a doctor so that they can examine you
▪ I went to see the doctor about my cough but she said there was nothing wrong with me.
the doctor’s
the place where the doctor works
▪ ‘Where’s Karen?’ ‘She’s at the doctor’s.’
Doctor Smith/Jones etc
▪ I’d like to make an appointment to see Doctor Patel some time this morning.
Dr Smith/Jones etc
written abbreviation
▪ Dr Harrington has warned that the NHS is in serious need of greater funding.
▷ physician /fɪˈzɪʃ ə n, fəˈzɪʃ ə n/ [countable noun] American formal
a doctor :
▪ People with heart problems should talk to their physician before making the trip.
▷ GP /ˌdʒɪː ˈpiː/ [countable noun] British
a doctor who is trained in general medicine and treats the people who live in a local area :
▪ If your GP can’t help you he will refer you to a specialist.
▪ A lot of GPs are too quick to prescribe drugs, instead of letting the body get better on its own.
▷ specialist /ˈspeʃ ə lɪst, ˈspeʃ ə ləst/ [countable noun]
a doctor who has special knowledge of a particular illness, part of the body, or type of medical treatment :
▪ The doctor arranged for Marcel to see a top specialist in Paris.
eye/heart/cancer etc specialist
▪ Professor Holloway, an eye specialist, organized a national survey of eye diseases in children.
specialist in
▪ Professor Williams is one of the world’s leading specialists in radiotherapy.
▷ consultant /kənˈsʌltənt/ [countable noun] British
a doctor who has special knowledge of a particular area of medicine and is in charge of a hospital department :
▪ The consultant told Jean that an operation was necessary to save her life.
consultant psychologist/paediatrician etc
▪ Dr Jamieson is the consultant psychologist at St Andrew’s hospital.
▷ surgeon /ˈsɜːʳdʒ ə n/ [countable noun]
a doctor who does operations in a hospital :
▪ The surgeon told reporters that Sara was making good progress after the heart transplant.
heart/brain/eye etc surgeon
▪ A famous brain surgeon from Boston performed the operation.
▷ intern /ˈɪntɜːʳn/ [countable noun] American
someone who has nearly finished their training as a doctor and works in a hospital :
▪ She refused to be treated by an intern and demanded to see a qualified doctor.
▷ the medical profession /ðə ˈmedɪk ə l prəˌfeʃ ə n/ [noun phrase]
doctors, nurses etc considered as a group :
▪ The magazine’s chief function is to keep the medical profession up to date with the latest advances and drugs.
▪ These proposals are unpopular with most of the medical profession.
2. a doctor who treats mental illnesses
▷ psychiatrist /saɪˈkaɪətrɪst, saɪˈkaɪətrəstǁsə-/ [countable noun]
a doctor who treats people with mental illnesses, using drugs or other forms of medical treatment :
▪ Her psychiatrist told her she no longer needed to take tranquillizers.
▪ Child psychiatrist Dr Goldman has written a book on anorexia in young girls.
see a psychiatrist
go to be treated by a psychiatrist
▪ I made an appointment to see a psychiatrist the following week.
▷ analyst/therapist/psychotherapist /ˈænəlɪst, ˈænələst, ˈθerəpɪst, ˌsaɪkəʊˈθerəpɪst/ [countable noun]
a doctor or other trained person who treats people with mental or emotional problems, especially by talking with them about their thoughts, feelings, and past experiences :
▪ I don’t think her analyst has really helped her very much.
▪ My therapist has been working with me on my anger.
▷ psychologist /saɪˈkɒlədʒɪst, saɪˈkɒlədʒəstǁ-ˈkɑː-/ [countable noun]
someone who is trained to understand people’s behaviour and help them with mental or emotional problems, but who is not a medical doctor :
▪ He admitted to his psychologist that he had been too shy to talk to women.
child/educational/occupational etc psychologist
▪ She told us she worked as an educational psychologist in Athens.
▷ counsellor British /counselor American /ˈkaʊns ə ləʳ/ [countable noun]
someone who helps people with mental or emotional problems by talking with them and giving them advice :
▪ Blau has been a counselor at the school since 1987.
▪ Maybe we should see a marriage counsellor.
▷ shrink /ʃrɪŋk/ [countable noun] informal
a doctor who treats people with mental illnesses and problems :
▪ The shrinks at the hospital said they think Gary needs therapy.
▪ That guy’s crazy - he ought to see a shrink.
3. a doctor who treats people’s teeth
▷ dentist /ˈdentɪst, ˈdentəst/ [countable noun]
▪ My dentist told me I shouldn’t eat so much chocolate.
see/visit the dentist
go to the dentist and be examined or treated
▪ You should visit the dentist twice a year.
the dentist’s
the place where the dentist works
▪ I hate going to the dentist’s.
4. a doctor who treats animals
▷ vet also veterinarian American /vet, ˌvet ə rə̇ˈne ə riən/ [countable noun]
▪ Jane’s taking her kitten to the vet on Friday.
▪ Could you call the vet and ask him to come to the farm? I’d like him to have a look at one of the horses.
▪ Gina has wanted to be a veterinarian since she was a little girl.