1. people of a particular race or nationality
2. relating to race
3. when people are treated badly because of their race
4. someone who believes that their race is better than other races
5. when people of different races come together or are kept apart
sports race : ↑ SPORT/GAME
see also
1. people of a particular race or nationality
▷ race /reɪs/ [countable/uncountable noun]
one of the main groups of people in the world, who have the same colour of skin and physical appearance as each other :
▪ People should be treated equally, regardless of their race, age, or sex.
▪ people of all races and religions
▪ Studies are under way to find out why men of some races are more prone to some forms of cancer than others.
race relations
the relationship between people of different races
▪ The group is working to improve race relations in our cities.
▷ colour British /color American /ˈkʌləʳ/ [countable noun]
the colour of someone’s skin, which shows which race they belong to, especially whether they are black or white :
▪ People of all colors and nationalities were at the ceremony.
▪ You can’t judge people by the colour of their skin.
▷ ethnicity /eθˈnɪsɪti, eθˈnɪsəti/ [countable/uncountable noun]
one of the group of people of a particular race or nationality who live in a place where there are other races or nationalities :
▪ I couldn’t tell her ethnicity from her last name.
▪ Ethnicity should not be a factor in hiring decisions.
▪ The Bay Area is a place where people of many ethnicities live together in relative harmony.
▷ ethnic /ˈeθnɪk/ [adjective only before noun]
ethnic group/ethnic minority
a group of people of a particular race or nationality living in a place where most other people are of a different race :
▪ The Indonesians of the city form a distinct ethnic group.
▪ In the large cities of Africa, where different ethnic groups with many different languages are thrown together, people communicate in English or Swahili.
ethnic origin/background
the ethnic group that someone belongs to
▪ fighting in Bosnia between people from different ethnic backgrounds
▪ In California it is illegal to refuse to do business with someone because of their race or ethnic origin.
ethnically [adverb]
▪ There is probably no major public university campus quite as racially and ethnically diverse as the University of California.
2. relating to race
▷ racial /ˈreɪʃ ə l/ [adjective only before noun]
racial discrimination/prejudice/violence/attack
when people are treated unfairly or attacked because of their race :
▪ Some people complained of racial discrimination in the way housing was allocated.
▪ Racial violence used to be commonplace on the streets of the city.
racial harmony
when people of different races live together peacefully, and without any problems
▪ In Jamaica black and white people have lived together in racial harmony for many years.
racial profiling
the practice of police stopping some people only because of their race
▪ Local police deny that have used racial profiling when stopping motorists.
racially [adverb]
▪ Kolbe grew up a vibrant, racially integrated quarter of Cape Town.
racially motivated
▪ Police suspect that the attack could be racially motivated.
▷ ethnic /ˈeθnɪk/ [adjective only before noun]
ethnic divisions/unrest/violence
divisions, problems etc between groups of people of different races, or with different customs, living in the same place, especially when one group is smaller than the other :
▪ Hundreds of people have been killed in the recent ethnic violence.
▪ Ethnic unrest is spreading throughout the south-western republics of the former Soviet Union.
ethnic cleansing
when people are forced to leave their homes because of their ethnic group
▪ Reports of ethnic cleansing in former Yugoslavia forced the European states and the US into taking action.
▷ multiracial/multicultural /ˌmʌltɪˈreɪʃ ə l◂, ˌmʌltiˈkʌltʃ ə rəl◂/ [adjective only before noun]
a multiracial or multicultural society, school, community etc is one in which people from several different races live together or work together, especially in a friendly way :
▪ Britain became a multiracial society in the 1960s and 70s, after large-scale immigration from the West Indies and the Indian subcontinent.
▪ a vibrant, multicultural neighborhood
▷ interracial /ˌɪntəˈreɪʃ ə l◂/ [adjective only before noun]
between people of different races :
▪ The danger of an interracial war in South Africa still exists.
▪ There has to be fairness and justice for black people before you can achieve a spirit of interracial harmony.
interracial marriage
▪ Interracial marriages are common in England these days.
▷ cosmopolitan /ˌkɒzməˈpɒlɪt ə n◂, ˌkɒzməˈpɒlət ə n◂ǁˌkɑːzməˈpɑː-/ [adjective]
a cosmopolitan city, district, society etc is one in which people of many different races and nationalities live or go, which is therefore lively and interesting :
▪ Istanbul is a great cosmopolitan city, situated between East and West.
▪ She grew up in an apartment in a cosmopolitan district of Chicago.
▪ The thing I like most about living in London is that it’s so cosmopolitan.
▷ mixed marriage /ˌmɪkst ˈmærɪdʒ/ [countable/uncountable noun]
marriage between people of different races :
▪ Mixed marriages are becoming more and more commonplace.
3. when people are treated badly because of their race
▷ racism /ˈreɪsɪz ə m/ [uncountable noun]
unfair treatment of people because of their race :
▪ The company has been accused of racism after firing three Algerian workers.
▪ the struggle against racism in our society
institutionalized racism
racism that has happened for so long in a society or organization, that it has become accepted as normal
▪ Institutionalized racism pervaded British society, and immigrant workers found themselves in unskilled jobs and with low social status.
▷ racist /ˈreɪsɪst, ˈreɪsəst/ [adjective]
racist statements, jokes, behaviour, or opinions are based on a dislike of people from other races and a feeling that your race is better than others :
▪ racist attitudes
▪ a comedian well known for his racist and sexist jokes
▪ An African-American friend told me that she is subjected to racist behavior every day - at work, in the mall, in the park.
4. someone who believes that their race is better than other races
▷ racist /ˈreɪsɪst, ˈreɪsəst/ [countable noun]
someone who believes that their race is much better than other races - use this to show disapproval :
▪ The minister denied that he was a racist, but called for tougher controls on immigration.
racist [adjective]
▪ racist organizations like the British National Party and Combat 18
▷ white supremacist /ˌwaɪt səˈpreməsə̇st/ [countable noun]
someone who believes that white people are better than other races and that other races should be kept at a lower level :
▪ Many white supremacists have chosen to set up compounds in unpopulated areas of the American West.
5. when people of different races come together or are kept apart
▷ integration /ˌɪntɪˈgreɪʃ ə n, ˌɪntəˈgreɪʃ ə n/ [uncountable noun]
the bringing or coming together of people of different races so that they live and work peacefully together :
▪ In the 1960s the government passed a law to promote racial integration in schools.
▪ Members of extreme right wing parties are completely opposed to the integration of blacks into white South African society.
integrated /ˈɪntɪgreɪtəd, ˈɪntəgreɪtəd/ [adjective]
▪ Aru was a perfectly integrated society. one in which all the different races lived and worked together peacefully .
▷ segregation /ˌsegrɪˈgeɪʃ ə n/ [uncountable noun]
keeping people of different races apart and making them live, work, or study separately, especially because one race believes that it is better than the other :
▪ The US Supreme Court ruled in 1954 that segregation in schools was unconstitutional.
▪ Legal segregation may be gone, but the idea of segregation survives, as middle class black families shun white areas, preferring to live in suburbs of their own.
segregated /ˈsegrɪgeɪtɪd, ˈsegrɪgeɪtəd/ [adjective]
▪ Segregated restaurants are no longer allowed.