1. special
see also
1. special
▷ special /ˈspeʃ ə l/ [adjective]
something that is special is different from other things, for example because it is better, more important, or intended for a particular purpose :
▪ United Airlines is offering a special deal on flights to London.
▪ Let us know if you have any special dietary needs in advance.
▪ Today is a very special day for us - it was 50 years ago that we first met.
▪ Did you do anything special at the weekend?
▪ I made a special effort to be nice to him.
special occasion
a wedding, birthday, or other time when people celebrate something
▪ He has a dark suit, which he only wears on special occasions.
▷ specially /ˈspeʃ ə li/ [adverb]
specially designed/made/chosen etc
designed, made, built etc for a special purpose :
▪ a new range of beauty products specially designed for teenagers
▪ Customs officers use specially trained dogs for drug searches.
▪ Did you get your ring specially made?
▷ particular /pəʳˈtɪkjɑləʳ/ [adjective only before noun]
use this to emphasize that something is different or separate from other things of the same kind, or that something is more important than other things :
▪ Is there any particular reason why you want to go back to Japan?
▪ Each class will focus on one particular aspect of American culture.
be of particular interest/importance (to somebody)
▪ This discovery is of particular interest to scientists studying the origins of the universe.
▷ unique /juːˈniːk/ [adjective]
someone or something that is unique is so special and unusual that it is the only one of its kind - use this especially about things or people that you think are extremely good :
▪ It was a unique achievement - no-one has ever won the championship five times before.
▪ The exhibition provided a unique opportunity to see all of the artist’s work.
▪ Every child is unique, with their own needs, preferences and talents.