Meaning of SPY in English


1. to spy

2. someone who spies


to secretly watch someone : ↑ WATCH (5)

see also




1. to spy

▷ spy /spaɪ/ [intransitive verb]

to secretly collect information about an enemy government :

▪ A former US diplomat has confessed to spying.

spy on

▪ For years the satellite spied on secret weapon bases.

spy for

▪ Philby had been spying for the Russians for several years.

spying [uncountable noun]

▪ The 11 men had allegedly been involved in spying.

▪ He had been accused of spying and held without trial for ten years.

▷ espionage /ˈespiənɑːʒ/ [uncountable noun]

the collecting of political, military, or industrial secrets from another country or organization :

▪ Zakharov, a KGB agent, was charged with espionage.

industrial espionage

the collecting of secrets about a competing company

▪ The banks take precautions to prevent any attempts at industrial espionage while confidential documents are on the premises.

▷ be in the pay of /biː ɪn ðə ˈpeɪ ɒv/ [verb phrase]

if someone is in the pay of a country or organization, they are being paid by that country or organization to spy for them :

▪ Before becoming President, the general was in the pay of the CIA.

▪ There were persistent rumours that the former head of British Intelligence was in the pay of the Soviet Union.

▷ infiltrate /ˈɪnfɪltreɪtǁɪnˈfɪltreɪt, ˈɪnfɪl-/ [transitive verb]

to secretly join a group or organization whose principles or activities you strongly oppose, in order to find out more about them, or to harm them in some way :

▪ The Communists effectively infiltrated the government and the political parties.

▪ Police attempts to infiltrate neo-Nazi groups have been largely unsuccessful.

▪ Everyone knew the organization had been infiltrated by government agents, but could not prove it.

infiltrator [countable noun]

▪ There has always been a danger of enemy infiltrators in the organization.

infiltration /ˌɪnfɪlˈtreɪʃ ə n/ [uncountable noun]

▪ Finally, weakened by infiltration and sabotage, Black Aid Action folded in 1967.

▷ counterespionage /ˌkaʊntərˈespiənɑːʒ/ [uncountable noun]

the activity of trying to find out about and prevent an enemy from spying in your own country :

▪ His novels deal with the world of spies, espionage and counterespionage.

▪ the murder of two counterespionage officers

2. someone who spies

▷ spy /spaɪ/ [countable noun]

▪ He was suspected of having been a spy during the war.

▪ The job of the secret police was to hunt down spies and traitors.

▷ agent /ˈeɪdʒ ə nt/ [countable noun]

someone working for a government or police department who tries to get secret information about another country or organization :

▪ Wray was filmed passing money to an enemy agent.

▪ a book of memoirs written by a retired MI5 agent, Peter Wright

secret agent

▪ He had been a secret agent of the enemy all along.

▷ mole /məʊl/ [countable noun]

someone who works inside an organization who gives secret information to someone on the outside, for example a newspaper :

▪ The government suspects there is a mole who is leaking information to the press.

▪ The mole was discovered to be the 25-year-old secretary of the minister.

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