1. a total
2. when several numbers produce another number as a total
affecting or including everything : ↑ ALL/EVERYTHING
totally impossible, ridiculous, refuse, ignore etc : ↑ COMPLETELY
see also
1. a total
▷ total /ˈtəʊtl/ [countable noun]
the number or amount that there is, when everything has been counted or added together :
▪ You had 29 points plus 33 points, so the total is 62.
▪ A company spokesperson said 28,000 jobs or 70% of the total will be cut.
total of
▪ The three defendants were jailed for a total of 30 years.
▪ A total of $950 million was spent on the new transportation system.
▷ total /ˈtəʊtl/ [adjective only before noun]
the total number or amount is the number that there is when everything has been counted and added together :
▪ The total cost was far higher than we had expected.
▪ People of Chinese origin made up about 10% of the total population.
▪ The Performing Arts Department’s total budget for the year was $6.3 million.
▷ altogether/in all /ˌɔːltəˈgeðəʳ◂, ɪn ˈɔːl/ [adverb]
use this to say or ask what a total amount is, including everything that could be included :
▪ Altogether 680 women took part in the conference.
▪ On the wall are rows of stickers, 35 in all, each representing a team victory.
▷ grand total /ˌgrænd ˈtəʊtl/ [singular noun]
the total when everything has been included - use this especially in a humorous way when the final total is surprisingly small :
▪ The grand total for both meals was $6.73.
grand total of
▪ A grand total of six people showed up for the lecture.
▷ subtotal /ˈsʌbˌtəʊtl/ [countable noun]
the total of a single set of figures, for example on a bill, which does not include other amounts that will be added later to make the final total :
▪ The subtotal for parts was $23. With labor costs, the bill came to $36.
▷ gross /grəʊs/ [adjective only before noun]
a gross amount or figure is the total amount before anything such as tax is taken away :
▪ My gross annual income, before tax, is just over £18,000.
▪ The company’s gross earnings were up $12 million over last year.
▪ The gross weight of the package is 10 kilos, including the packaging.
gross [adverb]
▪ She earns about $100,000 a year gross.
2. when several numbers produce another number as a total
▷ come to /ˈkʌm tʊː/ [transitive phrasal verb]
to be the total amount when everything is counted :
▪ Including wine, the bill came to $70.
▪ Total profits from all sources for the year came to about $15 million.
▷ reach /riːtʃ/ [transitive verb]
if a total reaches 10, 50, 100 etc, it increases until it is equal to that number :
▪ Hurricane damage could reach billions of dollars.
▪ China’s economic output is likely to reach $13 trillion within the next few years.
▪ The city’s population is expected to reach 12 million by the year 2010.
▷ make /meɪk/ [transitive verb not in passive]
if numbers added together make 10, 50, 100 etc, that is the answer or the total :
▪ Two plus two makes four.
▪ If Jane comes, that will make six of us.
▪ There are eight submarines as well as the ships, making a total fleet of 34.
▷ add up to /ˌæd ˈʌp tuː/ [transitive phrasal verb]
if a set of several figures adds up to 10, 50 etc, that is the total when you add them all together :
▪ The three angles of a triangle add up to 180 degrees.
▪ If you follow the diet exactly, it adds up to about 1,200 calories per day.
▪ With the hotel, the flights, and the food, it all added up to much more than I had expected.
▷ amount to /əˈmaʊnt tʊː/ [transitive phrasal verb]
to reach a total, especially a large total :
▪ Credit card fraud amounts to about $17 million a year.
▪ Nationally, deaths from smoking-related illnesses amount to about 30 people each day.
▪ A thousand-word essay might amount to roughly 6,000 bytes on a computer disk.
▷ total /ˈtəʊtl/ [transitive verb not in progressive]
to reach a particular total - used especially in official contexts :
▪ The company was forced to pay fines and penalties totalling $24.8.
▪ The number of people included in the study totalled 170.
▷ number /ˈnʌmbəʳ/ [transitive verb not in progressive]
if a group of people or things numbers a particular figure, especially a large figure, that is the total when they are all included :
▪ The crowd of students numbered at least 2000.
▪ In the capital, unemployed workers now number 12% of the workforce.