Meaning of TOTAL in English

Synonyms and related words :

absolute, account, accumulative, across-the-board, add, add up, add up to, addend, admitting no exception, aggregate, aggregate to, all, all-comprehending, all-comprehensive, all-covering, all-embracing, all-encompassing, all-filling, all-including, all-inclusive, all-out, all-pervading, allover, amount, amount to, arbitrary, arrant, atomize, authoritarian, authoritative, be-all and end-all, blanket, body, born, box score, break to pieces, broad-based, budget, bulk, cast, cast up, categorical, catholic, cipher up, classical, clean, clear, cleave, come, come to, compendious, complete, comprehensive, comprise, compute, conclusive, congenital, consequential, considerable, consist of, consummate, contain, cosmopolitan, count, count up, country-wide, crack up, crass, cumulative, decided, decisive, deep, deep-dyed, definite, definitive, demolish, despotic, detail, determinate, developed, difference, disassemble, disintegrate, dismantle, downright, dyed-in-the-wool, ecumenic, egregious, encyclopedic, entire, entirety, equal, exhaustive, explicit, express, figure, figure up, final, fixed, flagrant, flat, flat-out, foot, foot up, fragment, full, full-blown, full-fledged, full-grown, full-scale, galactic, glaring, global, grand, grand total, grave, great, gross, gross amount, heaven-wide, heavy, holistic, implicit, inappealable, inclusive, indisputable, intact, integral, integrated, intense, intensive, international, intolerable, inventory, irresistible, itemize, main, make mincemeat of, mature, matured, maximum, mighty, monopolistic, mount up to, national, nondenominational, nonsectarian, number, omnibus, omnipotent, omnipresent, one, one and indivisible, out-and-out, outright, over-all, overall, panoramic, peremptory, perfect, pervasive, pick to pieces, plain, planetary, plenary, plumb, plus, plus sign, positive, powerful, precious, product, profound, pronounced, proper, pull in pieces, pull to pieces, pulverize, pure, quantity, quantum, radical, rank, recap, recapitulate, recite, reckon, reckon up, reckon up to, reckoning, recount, reduce to rubble, regular, rehearse, relate, rend, ripe, round, run into, run to, score, score up, serious, shatter, shattering, sheer, shocking, smash, solid, sound, split, stack up, stark, stark-staring, straight, straight-out, strong, subtotal, sum, sum and substance, sum total, sum up, summarize, summate, summation, sunder, superlative, surpassing, sweeping, synoptic, take apart, tale, tally, tally up, tear apart, tear to pieces, tear to shreds, tear to tatters, teetotal, the amount, the bottom line, the story, the veriest, the whole story, thorough, thoroughgoing, through-and-through, tot, tot up, tot up to, total up, totalitarian, totality, tote, tote up, tote up to, ubiquitous, unabbreviated, unalloyed, unbearable, unbuild, uncircumscribed, unconditional, unconditioned, unconscionable, uncut, undeniable, undiminished, undo, undoubting, unequivocal, unexpurgated, unhampered, unhesitating, unitize, universal, unlimited, unmake, unmistakable, unmitigated, unqualified, unquestioning, unrelieved, unreserved, unrestricted, unspoiled, unwaivable, utter, veritable, whole, whole amount, wholesale, without exception, without omission, without reserve, world-wide, wrack up, wreck, x number, yield

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