BAD : Television is a very powerful media.
GOOD : Television is a very powerful medium.
BAD : The medias, such as radio and television, tell us what is happening in the world.
GOOD : The media, such as radio and television, tell us what is happening in the world.
When you are talking about television, radio and newspapers, use medium for singular reference: 'Children learn as much through the medium of television as they do by going to school.'
Use media (WITHOUT -s ) for plural and group reference: 'the mass media', 'the news media'.
DUBIOUS : In January 1990, the international news media was excited because it appeared that Mandela might be released.
GOOD : In January 1990, the international news media were excited because it appeared that Mandela might be released.
The media usually takes a plural verb, especially in formal styles: 'The media have shown considerable interest in the trial.' A singular verb is sometimes heard in everyday conversation, but some careful users consider this to be incorrect.