Meaning of PREFER in English



BAD : I'd prefer to staying at a different hotel this time.

GOOD : I'd prefer to stay at a different hotel this time.


prefer to do sth (NOT to doing ): 'They'd prefer to wait and see what happens.'


BAD : I'd prefer renting a small flat rather than live with a host family.

GOOD : I'd prefer to rent a small flat rather than live with a host family.


When you are talking about a future or imaginary event, use (would) prefer + to do sth (NOT doing ): 'I think I'd prefer to wait a bit longer, just in case the others show up.'

Compare: 'I've always preferred eating at home to eating in restaurants.'


BAD : Why do you prefer the theatre than the cinema?

GOOD : Why do you prefer the theatre to the cinema?

BAD : I prefer drawing than painting.

GOOD : I prefer drawing to painting.


prefer ( doing ) sth to ( doing ) sth else (NOT than ): 'He normally prefers classical music to rock.' 'Most women prefer breastfeeding to bottle feeding.'

Compare: 'I'd rather live in the North than in the South.' 'Most women would rather go out to work than stay at home all day.'

Longman Common Errors English vocabulary.      Английский словарь распространенных ошибок Longman.