Meaning of SPITE in English



BAD : I believe that every criminal, in spite of the circumstances, should be severely punished.

GOOD : I believe that every criminal, regardless of the circumstances, should be severely punished.


Use in spite of to introduce a fact that is in sharp contrast with another fact: 'In spite of all their money, they still aren't happy.'

Use regardless of to emphasize that a particular fact does not change a course of action, even though it may be a difficulty: 'We're determined to have a holiday this year, regardless of how much it costs.'


See SPITE (↑ spite )


BAD : In spite of staying at home, I decided to continue my studies in the United States.

GOOD : Instead of staying at home, I decided to continue my studies in the United States.


When the situation involves a choice between two actions or things, use instead of (NOT in spite of ): 'Instead of building more roads, we should be investing in the railway.'


BAD : They refused to play in the rain in spite of the crowd protested.

GOOD : They refused to play in the rain in spite of the crowd's protests.


See note at DESPITE 1 (↑ despite )

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