Meaning of ABEYANCE in English





The match fell into abeyance when the Druids had too few golfing Brothers.

The following year Civil War was declared, and drainage works fell into abeyance .

The Forest law fell into abeyance .

The umbrella group we'd formed in 1987 had fallen into abeyance , but the name still meant something.

The result is that any notion of musical futurism has fallen into abeyance .

In some forests the local Forest courts also had fallen into abeyance .


A sizeable reservoir of homosexuality, which had been held in abeyance , suddenly stirred in the town.

They seem to know that conscious thought must be held in abeyance .

I have held myself in abeyance .

These things could be held in abeyance for a time, while he thought only of the girl herself.

Positions and statuses are held in abeyance until the following season until they can be redefined and re-established.


For some time thereafter matters of defence, policy and filial duties were in abeyance .

In abeyance at the moment is a cricket pitch.

Like a stranger in a strange land, he travelled with his other life in abeyance .

The Basqueness that is in abeyance in Biarritz returns in full as you drive south from there towards the frontier.

The following year Civil War was declared, and drainage works fell into abeyance .

Theoretically, she can dissolve Parliament without advice, but the right has been in abeyance for years.

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