Meaning of ADDICTIVE in English





We also have a good explanation of why children continue to smoke: cigarettes are highly addictive .

And morphine from opium is illegally converted to the highly addictive drug. heroin, widely abused in Western societies.

Produces a relaxed euphoria and is highly addictive .

Be warned that, once mastered, it is highly addictive .

This is a superb program highly addictive , beautifully created and often fast and furious.

Heroin About £80 per gram Sedation. Highly addictive .

Try not to rely on Valium - it's highly addictive and will cause more problems in the long run.

Mass adoration is a highly addictive drug.



They seem to act on the host's nervous system in rather the same way as an addictive drug .

Then, says Sicher, the caregiver can be like an addictive drug to the child.

This is not so hard to sympathize with, even for those with no experience of addictive drugs .

This can give rise to the mistaken belief that cocaine is not an addictive drug .

It is the most addictive drug ever - many become addicted from the first time they use it.

Insert an addictive drug into the system and the din from the second messengers becomes deafening.

Not obtaining addictive drugs or collecting prescriptions on behalf of the sufferer.

Mass adoration is a highly addictive drug .


Addictive behaviour is used just as addictive substances are used by people who are prone to addictive disease.

Relapse can be seen in changes of mood before it leads back to use of the addictive substance or behaviour.

She had an overwhelming fear of syphilis, and the pattern of her tippling was similar to that with other addictive substances .

While still suffering, the negative feeling of fearful projection may result in craving for the addictive substance or behaviour.

By learning to let the sufferer take the full consequences of the use of addictive substances or behaviour.

Detoxification from alcohol or drugs and weaning from other addictive substances or behaviours.

The alternative to the hopeless choice between continuing disorders of mood or continuing recourse to addictive substances or behaviours.


Crack is a highly addictive form of cocaine.

Golf can be addictive and time-consuming.

Humphrey claims that the tobacco industry hid evidence that cigarettes were addictive .

Most addictive drugs are illegal.

Nicotine in cigarettes is an addictive drug.

The caffeine in coffee is mildly addictive .


Addictive behaviour is used just as addictive substances are used by people who are prone to addictive disease.

Alcoholism and other forms of addictive disease are more probably born rather than made.

At the age of twenty, after a life of violent and addictive behaviour, the girl, Nancy, was murdered.

Crack is a cheaper, smokable form which is powerfully addictive .

He found it addictive , stimulating, endlessly absorbing, and he allowed nothing-certainly no personal involvements - to distract him.

It can be addictive , for power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

What happens to children bought up in families in which there is an addictive disease?

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