Meaning of AFFECTED in English



adversely affected

developments which had adversely affected their business

badly affected

Albania was badly affected by industrial unrest.

seriously affected

A number of bird sanctuaries were seriously affected by the oil spill.

severely affected

The town is already severely affected by aircraft noise.




Antibacterial treatments can take the form of baths, external application to affected areas , injection and oral administration via the food.

Keep doing this until any pain subsides, then cover the affected area and see your doctor.

Worst affected areas were parts of Bishop Auckland, Stanley, and other villages in Weardale.

They were advised to use topical steroids only on severely affected areas of skin, in accordance with our usual practice.

The affected areas look like orange-peel and are cold to the touch.

When dealing with windows, remove all traces of rust and apply a neutralising agent to badly affected areas .


Interestingly, only one of the nine families with an affected child had an above average level of emotional trauma.

The unit of evaluation was affected children rather than individual congenital abnormalities.

We chart each separation and see how it affected child .


Qualitative measure of satisfaction among affected families .


How long has the tank been set up and how long have the affected fish been in it?

The affected fish had previously been swimming on its head and it spine had become deformed due to its awkward position.

Otherwise, slightly affected fish should be isolated and put into a solution of white spot cure based upon quinine salts.

The affected fish are targeted more accurately.

Even when removed, the growths may return, and any badly affected fish should be painlessly destroyed.

As with lymphocystis, any seriously affected fish should be destroyed.


In the higher liability classes the probability of an affected individual being heterozygous or homozygous for the major allele was about 0.10.

Sickle cell crises are extremely rare but affected individuals should be warned of the potential dangers of severe hypothermia or hypoxia.

Among third degree relatives, the single affected individual gave a prevalence similar to that in the general population.


To anyone who didn't live in Birmingham at the time, it's impossible to convey how much they affected people .

The rationalisation affected people and products.

Less affected people will move their head back and push forwards on the stick.


immediately involved/affected/concerned etc

Civil society is constituted by the social relationships and processes outside paid employment and not immediately affected by the state.

Henry's memory, of course, seemed only defective in matters that immediately concerned him.

No one is more anxious that the penalties should be apt for the crime than those most immediately affected by prison disorder.

The availability of land played a crucial part in relations between the landowning class and those immediately concerned with its cultivation.

The hearing is technically in public, though it is very rare for anyone other than those immediately involved to be present.

The problem is to convince those who are not so immediately affected.

Those most immediately affected given support.

We are not immediately concerned whether they are based on off-line, optical discs or on online technology by way of broadband networks.


I can't bear him -- he's so loud and affected .

I hate that stupid affected laugh of hers.

She treated her guests with an affected politeness.

That stupid affected laugh of hers really annoys me.


But even the best of care may not help the worst affected .

However, no residents in affected houses had complained and many had spoken out in favour of the proposals.

Keep doing this until any pain subsides, then cover the affected area and see your doctor.

Nor are the blight years which affected potato crops in about one year in three, in the not so distant past.

Objections are frequently raised by affected personnel, and methods to input documents automatically are thus highly desirable.

The other element which affected royal control was the practice of appointing deputies.

The shake-out of labour after 1979 affected women's employment less than men's, both here and abroad.

Worst affected areas were parts of Bishop Auckland, Stanley, and other villages in Weardale.

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