affected 1
/euh fek"tid/ , adj.
1. acted upon; influenced.
2. influenced in a harmful way; impaired, harmed, or attacked, as by climate or disease.
3. (of the mind or feelings) impressed; moved; touched: She was deeply affected by their generosity.
[ 1570-80; AFFECT 1 + -ED 2 ]
affected 2
— affectedly , adv. — affectedness , n.
/euh fek"tid/ , adj.
1. assumed artificially; unnatural; feigned: affected sophistication; an affected British accent.
2. assuming or pretending to possess that which is not natural: Her affected wealth and social pedigree are so obviously false that it's embarrassing.
3. inclined or disposed: well affected toward the speaker's cause.
4. held in affection; fancied: a novel much affected by our grandparents.
[ 1525-35; AFFECT 2 + -ED 2 ]