Meaning of AUTOMATICALLY in English





If you want to add or remove words from documents the text is adjusted automatically . 3.

This index adjusts automatically for splits.

Often the way you naturally stand to the ball is correct as your body automatically adjusts to the slope.

As it was getting colder, my body was automatically adjusting to reduce its surface area for heat loss.

Many cleaners have a manual control, but in some cases the suction adjusts automatically to suit the surface.

This juggling is mostly unconscious: they automatically adjust their consumption of both drugs to maintain a desired physical or mental state.

Or, you can set it to automatically adjust its speed to match that of the remote system.


Love is meeting needs, which means that anyone motivated to love automatically assumes a burden to discover what the needs are.

We automatically assume it is in the interest of women.

To the Volunteers, such was simply unthinkable, and they had automatically assumed that the people thought likewise.

Adaptation to a culture does not mean automatically assuming all the values of the culture.

As the court pointed out in Pitba, some statements are automatically assumed to be defamatory.

FamiJy coverage was only for heads of household, he said, and women were automatically assumed not to qualify.


Nevertheless if the judgment happens to be false, it does not automatically become meaningless.

Whichever parent witnessed the scene automatically became the referee.

The mayor does not automatically become Lord Mayor for that is the subject of a further grant from the Crown.

But if two-thirds of the voters sign petitions, their community automatically becomes a town.

Existing claims against the unit shall not by the process of conversion automatically become due.

Many New Zealanders need educating about your antiquated laws, since the person you appoint as monarch automatically becomes our monarch too.

You will automatically become the manager of all the modules reserved.

Did people with names like that automatically become solicitors?


Do you think this comes automatically with humanism?

High wages no longer come automatically for the unskilled who live in rich countries.

Maternity pay - 90 percent of the employee's usual wages for a six-week period - unfortunately does not come automatically .

True adaptation to society comes automatically when the adolescent reformer attempts to put his ideas to work.

I don't like to fall back on what comes automatically .

Paul Lawson from Melbourne had worked with Oz in Sydney and he automatically came round, and was appointed deputy editor.

The one comes automatically with the other.


There is a program available that will automatically create wordsearch squares from a list of words supplied by teacher or pupil.

Women who wrote tracts did not automatically create scandal in those days, but public platform speaking was denied them.

And third, the idea that literacy automatically creates social mobility, greater productivity and an end to poverty.

Alternatively, your program may automatically create a backup copy that you can call up.

Visual Caf automatically creates the Appleti object.


Yet it does not automatically follow that last week's decision by a federal judge to close Napster was the right one.

Even if Hunter is guilty, does it automatically follow that she is, too?

Dismissal following automatically if a third serious offence was committed.

And high temperatures automatically followed , since the whole process was nothing more than a large explosion, albeit a controlled one.

It is often said that penalties automatically follow when blood appears following a facial attack, but this is an over-simplification.

If satisfied they indicate that an appropriate level of concern exists to justify legal intervention but an order will not automatically follow .

Another survivor, who had no fewer than three sisters already in the trade, did not automatically follow them either.


The waves and the pebbles together constitute a simple example of a system that automatically generates non-randomness.

The finished book has been automatically generated and typeset directly from the database of paragraphs and link objects.

In other words, extra spending automatically generates additional leakages from the circular flow.

Some are generated automatically , eg retirement date and follow up interview dates.

This paper presents a method for automatically generating a document by a traversal of the semantic net.

UIM/X automatically generates C source code based on Motif, conforming to standard specifications for C so that the code is extremely portable.

Using object replication, it automatically generates duplicate versions of objects on multiple disks with negligible overheads.


It is clear that a reduction or increase in funding did not automatically lead to similar changes in each of the schools.

Why should the discovery of paternity automatically lead to a male seizure of power?

One can not necessarily assume that the operation of market principles perse will automatically lead to efficiency.

Being proved theoretically correct in the twenties and thirties did not lead automatically to the strengthening of the Trotskyist movement.

Incitement to murder, by people living nominally under a country's law, should automatically lead to arrest.

The de-categorising of pupils with special needs does not automatically lead them to full social integration in an ordinary class.

Such integration will automatically lead to mixed marriages.

This may sound obvious, but, sadly, business success will no longer automatically lead to financial success.


We all worry about what other people think of us and being shy doesn't automatically mean we lack confidence.

Adaptation to a culture does not mean automatically assuming all the values of the culture.

Just because you have a valid complaint does not automatically mean that you have lost out financially.

Doubt does not necessarily or automatically mean the end of faith, for doubt is faith in two minds.

Nevertheless, just because a lot of objections are received does not automatically mean an application will be refused.

And yet this does not automatically mean they will be quids in.

That does not automatically mean that his character is equally reliable.

The Conservative Party in this country has been hindered by the concept that winning the argument automatically means winning the people.


Even to celebrate what is distinctive about women does not, in my opinion, automatically qualify as feminist.

Johnson must score 5, 600 points in the seven-event heptathlon to automatically qualify for the trials, June 14-23 in Atlanta.

If you are claiming supplementary benefit, you automatically qualify .

So far they have gained little official recognition and therefore do not automatically qualify for government grants to students.

At age 65, you automatically qualify for a pension.

Only nations that reduce their budget deficits to 3 percent of gross domestic product and accumulated debt to 60 percent automatically qualify .


Do governors automatically receive copies of all newsletters for parents and an invitation to school events?

Do all the Governors automatically receive copies of newsletters?

The shaman automatically receives D6 extra magic cards to use during that magic phase.

The young bride in her husband's family does not automatically receive love and a secure position.

Each tutor is responsible for a broadly related group of fields and automatically receives all applications for any double fields among them.

By now people who have filled in an R85 should be automatically receiving their interest gross.

The founding document states that members of the old party will not automatically receive their new cards.

The top 50 in the Sony Rankings as of December 31 should automatically receive invitations to the next season's four Majors.


She makes painting an oil look so easy that the student will automatically start believing he will be capable of the same.

People see a baby and automatically start talking to it.

It was only when he started automatically to strip it that he realized what it was that was so different.


Whenever people want entertaining, they will automatically switch to E4.

The refrigerator-freezer switched automatically between electricity and propane for optimal operation.

After the three hour charge-up, the pack is automatically switched over to normal charging, to preserve the battery life.

The machine automatically switches off when enough water has been collected.


Surplus credit funds can be transferred automatically to a savings account.

Juveniles 15 and older committing rape or forcible assault are named prominently in offenses automatically transferred to adult court.


This detects any approaching heat source such as people or cars and automatically turns on, welcoming friends and deterring intruders.

On becoming mothers, women do not automatically turn into muddle-brained bovines.

Any movement detected by the sensor is signalled to the electronic switching circuit which automatically turns on the lights.

He had turned automatically so he could offer her the good side of his face.

Postine's rifle had turned automatically to cover the Doctor.

She turned automatically belly down, hair streaming behind her, and floated in the rushing wind.


All ledgers are kept on one database, and are automatically updated when new information is added.

If the object is linked, changes in the original will be automatically updated in the object.

The pointer is automatically updated following a read or write operation.

Automatically updates the administrative information which registers approval.

To compensate for the design change in the application, Implementor records and automatically updates each part of the application affected.

In many cases the program will automatically update the config.sys, generally after asking if this is okay.


After a while, driving just comes automatically .

Cancer is not automatically a death sentence.

His mother continued to talk angrily, and Tim's thoughts automatically switched to more pleasant subjects.

The gates rise automatically during high tide.

You cannot automatically assume that everything your teacher says is correct.


A ballot that perplexingly spread presidential names over two pages led to many accidental double votes, which are automatically voided.

But the families of all male employees were still automatically covered-without having to prove anything.

Existing claims against the unit shall not by the process of conversion automatically become due.

High wages no longer come automatically for the unskilled who live in rich countries.

If accurate measurement of quality is in place, natural selection proceeds almost automatically .

It means that when we find stolen goods, we can automatically reunite them with their owners.

Nevertheless if the judgment happens to be false, it does not automatically become meaningless.

Longman DOCE5 Extras English vocabulary.      Дополнительный английский словарь Longman DOCE5.