Meaning of AUTOMATION in English





Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Mitsubishi Metals are also large users and makers of robots and other factory automation systems.

Areas on which the organisation is especially keen include semiconductors, telecommunications, factory automation , medical instruments and electronic office systems.

In the past year or so they have launched major design and marketing efforts for factory automation systems.

Examples include factory automation and large on-line financial networks.


The aim is to develop a wide range of office automation software.

Desktop publishing acts as an integrator of the output from other office automation packages.

It will use it as an embedded controller in office automation products such as X-terminals after it shrinks it and optimizes its speed.

WordPerfect Corporation offers a host of other software products, including spreadsheets, graphics, databases, and office automation .

TeamLinks, which to date only operates on VAX/VME-based systems, comprises an X.400-based mail system and office automation software.

InConcert is independent of other applications and requires no proprietary imaging, office automation or publishing software.

The first automates the exchange of data between central site and office automation applications.


The aim is to develop a wide range of office automation software .

TeamLinks, which to date only operates on VAX/VME-based systems, comprises an X.400-based mail system and office automation software .


Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Mitsubishi Metals are also large users and makers of robots and other factory automation systems .

Alternatively, the computer could form a part of other automation systems that the firm sells.

In the past year or so they have launched major design and marketing efforts for factory automation systems .


Alternatively, the computer could form a part of other automation systems that the firm sells.

Any occupation that consists mostly of the repeated application of rules is a target for automation .

Breakeven analysis may be used to analyze the profit implications of a modernization or automation program.

But this is a bleak, stoic, death-wish kind of automation , with no hope of being great again.

Desktop publishing acts as an integrator of the output from other office automation packages.

For example we need to provide our Members with better services and facilities, with larger branches and with more automation .

Some say automation is the main culprit.

There is a kind of automation in the way thi woman speaks.

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