Meaning of BEAKER in English





Ryker passed her once more, glancing at her, cradling a plastic beaker of tea in his hand.

Cold and shaken from the journey, thick with sediment and drunk from a plastic beaker , it tasted like medicine.

At the bar a leather-clad schoolboy was buying a pint of lager, served in a plastic beaker .

The result was that we all kept making surreptitious trips to the staff room to refill our plastic beakers .

As he watched the events occurring between the two moons, he blew on a plastic beaker of fragrant Arcturan tea.


A beaker and a flask steamed on the bench beside him as he spoke.

At one point we see a homunculus encased in a glass beaker , exactly like a test-tube baby.

Cold and shaken from the journey, thick with sediment and drunk from a plastic beaker , it tasted like medicine.

In the bottom of the beaker they put glycerin.

On the various shelves were set items of laboratory equipment: retorts, beakers, distilling tubes and burners.

One balanced a beaker of steaming coffee on a nearby terminal before moving on bearing a full tray.

Representative goblets and beakers of late sixteenth century and seventeenth century date are illustrated in Figures 3.50 and 3.51.

She took his beaker away and placed it on the balcony wall.

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