Meaning of BLANCMANGE in English



A car is heterogeneous: unlike a blancmange , almost any portion of the car is different from other portions.

After a period of some 45min, the vat appeared full of blancmange .

It scared and disgusted her the way every male she met suddenly started ogling the blancmange under her blouse.

Puds with flair include almond blancmange and bread-and-butter pudding; the long, shrewd wine list starts at £6.90.

Santorini is about as stable as the proverbial blancmange .

She hit the blancmange of the shoreline, bounced over it and flew sprawling into some bushes.

She looks like a double helping of pink blancmange , and about as exciting.

This exercise is helpful for those whose bottoms have grown to resemble a blancmange .

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