With these hands I have blessed bread and wine, I have touched the leper and the blind.
Hence, the blessing of bread on her feast day.
The challenge of the car, which has blessed humanity so much, is to stop that blessing turning into a curse .
Aptitudes are both a blessing and a curse .
Interesting times have been the proverbial blessing and a curse for Sassoon.
This is both a blessing and a curse when it comes to cultivating long-term success.
The spots proved to be a blessing and a curse for Christine.
It might be a blessing in disguise .
Well, maybe this is a blessing in disguise .
The crash was a blessing in disguise for Schwab.
But in a way that time lag, though it could be frustrating, was also a blessing in disguise .
The great cattle freeze of the white winter had been, in retrospect, a blessing in disguise .
They love every minute of it, too, bless their hearts particularly the scandals.
But, bless her heart , she was very understanding about the situation.
It was preserved for posterity with David's Mum smiling away - bless her heart .
He counts himself among the statistically blessed survivors of heart disease.
And Cymbeline - bless her heart - is down by the fence, still busy making tea for the workers.
She was born on Diwali-the Hindu festival of light-when the goddess of wealth blesses your house .
Those with such an awakened spirit might be blessed in this life with divine dreams and revelations.
May the Lord bless you on your journey.
The Lord has truly blessed me and I enjoy my life.
Ask the Lord to bless and encourage them at this time and that they would not suffer from ill health.
The Lord has truly blessed me with a lot of ability to excite people and make them happy.
May the Lord bless the earth and may he bless our sharing and our work for justice.
Now the happy couple plan a new ceremony to bless their marriage .
But both Raquel and Freddie were at a celebration here last year to bless the marriage .
There he not only blessed the marriage with his presence, but he turned the water into wine.
We thank you, too, for this food and ask a special blessing on the one who prepared it.
I really feel blessed and lucky.
She felt this blessing now and kissed his temple, and then a corner of one salty eye.
I feel very blessed that I have my family around me every day and that we all work so well together.
Although they feel for their neighbors, other residents said they felt blessed to see their homes still intact.
The Clinton administration has given its blessing to the force's creation.
Guest John Sweeney, president of the AFL-CIO, gave his blessing .
The Catholic Church, for one, is not about to give the operation its blessing .
Clinton, while giving his blessing to the discussions, has carefully avoided endorsing any legislation.
Novell Inc. has already given Java its blessing , and Apple could be next.
Economic globalisation -- entailing deregulated trade and investment -- is a mixed blessing for health.
My celebrity was a mixed blessing .
Such a prestigious credit was something of a mixed blessing .
But the passenger pigeon, as we now know this bird, was a mixed blessing for the Pilgrims.
Switching to College Prep was a mixed blessing .
This is one of the reasons that programs that automatically save your work can be a mixed blessing .
Working for Steve Jobs was a decidedly mixed blessing .
God bless
Good night and God bless.
God bless
a blessing in disguise
The loss of fertilizer proved to be a blessing in disguise. It forced us to use compost, which is better for the soil and crops.
Again, one may be forced to the conclusion that his departure was a blessing in disguise for him.
Be positive, this could be a blessing in disguise, use the time gained wisely.
But in a way that time lag, though it could be frustrating, was also a blessing in disguise.
Poor Jonas' death was a blessing in disguise, though one could wish it had happened differently.
The crash was a blessing in disguise for Schwab.
The great cattle freeze of the white winter had been, in retrospect, a blessing in disguise.
The Labour defeat was a disaster, but it might be a blessing in disguise.
Well, maybe this is a blessing in disguise.
a mixed blessing
Staying at home with the baby has been something of a mixed blessing for Pam.
The color printer is a mixed blessing - it looks good, but it takes a long time to print.
But the passenger pigeon, as we now know this bird, was a mixed blessing for the Pilgrims.
Even that has been a mixed blessing .
For voluntary organisations the budget was more of a mixed blessing .
My celebrity was a mixed blessing .
Such a prestigious credit was something of a mixed blessing .
Switching to College Prep was a mixed blessing .
The disintegration of the Takeshita faction was seen as a mixed blessing for Miyazawa.
The sheer pace of accumulation was itself a mixed blessing .
a mixed blessing
But the passenger pigeon, as we now know this bird, was a mixed blessing for the Pilgrims.
Even that has been a mixed blessing.
For voluntary organisations the budget was more of a mixed blessing.
My celebrity was a mixed blessing.
Such a prestigious credit was something of a mixed blessing.
Switching to College Prep was a mixed blessing.
The disintegration of the Takeshita faction was seen as a mixed blessing for Miyazawa.
The sheer pace of accumulation was itself a mixed blessing.
bless my soul/upon my soul
this blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England
May God bless you and keep you safe from harm.
Here, she tells the story of Mud, an orphan member of an elephant tribe who is blessed with visionary powers.
How essential it was to be able to work, and to be blessed with the will to work.
Korb is blessed with a sunny vocal style, her phrasing both easygoing and all her own.
The Bible not withstanding, peacemakers are targeted, not blessed, in today's Middle East.
The challenge of the car, which has blessed humanity so much, is to stop that blessing turning into a curse.
The cross was blessed two days after the crash by the Rev.