It will form the centrepiece of the government's 10-year crime plan to be announced on Monday.
Adopt a written constitution, of which the Bill of Rights will form the centrepiece .
Comments: Requires a very deep tank, and then these plants can be grown in a cluster to form a centrepiece .
It still forms the centrepiece of most Westerners' meals.
Attending to the victim will become the centrepiece of penal politics in the future.
Ivy, candles and fruit arranged in a wire basket make a sumptuous centrepiece .
Ssamois with polenta the centrepiece of the Menu Gastronomico Valdostano, so I gave that a wide berth.
The centrepiece of the courtyard was a deep well.
The centrepiece of the programme - Denazification - was, however, only a very partial success.
The centrepiece of these reforms was addressed to the issue of peasant landownership.
The badge of the Airborne Division had been enlarged in colour and framed as a centrepiece .
There were a few delayed items, but, surprise, surprise, there was a big juicy book to provide a centrepiece .