a charismatic leader (= who people greatly admire and want to follow )
Martin Luther King, one of the most charismatic leaders of the Civil Rights movement
a charismatic personality (= strong and attractive, so that people admire and respect you )
Like many other people, I was attracted by his charismatic personality.
Although he detested journalism his Johnsonian manner and compelling character established him as one of Fleet Street's most charismatic figures.
Not even a bravura turn by one of the most charismatic actors of his generation can relieve the torpor.
The Berlin intelligence scene was dominated by one of the most charismatic figures in post-war espionage - General Reinhard Gehlen.
Not an obviously charismatic figure , Mr Chan's principal qualities are those of a high-order bureaucrat.
Although he detested journalism his Johnsonian manner and compelling character established him as one of Fleet Street's most charismatic figures .
Dorothy Heathcote Because Dorothy is such a charismatic figure , many people thirst to see her on television or read about her.
The Berlin intelligence scene was dominated by one of the most charismatic figures in post-war espionage - General Reinhard Gehlen.
Why charismatic leaders come to power.
In other words, charismatic followers seek out their own charismatic leaders .
Growth is often generated by charismatic leaders , who can not be produced to order.
The charismatic leader has strong persuasive skills, allowing him or her many successes based on the force of personality alone.
There was little meaningful internal debate, simply the acclamation of the charismatic leader .
It that is not interventionist, then John Major is a charismatic leader .
Despite the recent successes of house churches and charismatic movements , the overall picture is unchanged.
We see the resurgence in the new nonconformism of the house churches and sometimes in the charismatic movement .
a charismatic church
Jackson was one of the most charismatic figures in sports.
And perhaps their finest stroke was the casting of rapper Ice-T as a heroic, charismatic crack baron.
But as always, the charismatic Rundgren stole the show.
Death becomes him, for ever frozen in time as a complex and charismatic 24-year-old on the cusp of greatness.
In the absence of significant parties, nominations could be won by charismatic self-starters who could project an acceptable image.
Often, the people most committed to the use of charismatic gifts are those most inept in evangelism.
Tina Wilkinson's striking vocals dart over the aggressive and exuberant title track with charismatic panache.