Meaning of COLONY in English



crown colony

penal colony/settlement (= a special area of land where prisoners are kept )




Skomer hosts about 100,000 pairs, the largest colony in the world.

Later, they went regularly to Dhapa, the large leprosy colony in Calcutta, where they tended the sick.

Ants are called social insects because they live in large colonies .

High winds now prevented us from visiting the Monach Isles, reputedly site of the world's second largest seal colony .

Unlike zoanthids, where large colonies can form by a similar process, the young mushroom polyps separate from the parent completely.

Nearly everything else follows the ground plan of the later, and much larger , colony base station.


We are like the people of a leper colony .


Some of these have wings and fly away to start new colonies of aphids on other plants.

The Ionionas undertook the exploration of the seas, founded new colonies , and immersed themselves in the arts.

Left: Severed portions of Sinularia growing in an aquarium to form new colonies .

In a commune on the outskirts of the city, we saw a new colony of houses being built.

Termites and ants do it seasonally when the time comes for them to mate, disperse and set up new colonies .

There were twenty people, including children, in this new colony , and they were all slaughtered.

Finally he is said to have settled at Elea, a new colony south of Paestum.

The new colonies , in contrast, have many more female birds.


You play Ripley, who has to despatch hordes of alien-infested humans from an underground penal colony .

Leper colonies are only one entry in this classification of special communities; certain penal colonies would be another.

He was appointed superintendent of the penal colony on Norfolk Island in 1840.


It is also occasionally found growing in small colonies in shallower parts of lakes with gentle water turbulence.

A small colony nested on the basalt rock face.



Every ant colony has its own clone of fungi, distinct from that on the neighbouring farm.

The McPhillips' home was filled with jars and jars of sand, leaves, and ant colonies .

He will speak on slavery in ant colonies .

Yet, the ant colony moves.

Did Laboulbeniales first arrive in ant colonies on the backs of invading commensals and parasites?


In open country, trees becomes sites for breeding colonies which may also facilitate synchronization of breeding.

A plastic dustbin with breeding colony on to which organic waste is showered.

They are condemned to a life of misery in cramped breeding colonies .

Whenever possible breeding colony staff should not be involved with other animals of a potentially lower health status.

The crest is displayed during courtship encounters at breeding colonies .



In open country, trees becomes sites for breeding colonies which may also facilitate synchronization of breeding.

The road itself had become a colony of residents specializing in theatrical and allied activities.

In summer the estate became the home of colonies of house martins and swallows.


Females come ashore to form breeding colonies , and each will give birth to a single white-coated pup.

Grain- and seed-eaters of grassland and savannah were gregarious and tended to breed in colonies .

Being strongly territorial they have less need for this when compared with birds breeding in tightly packed colonies .


They establish a colony on Ragol but this perfect planet soon unleashes a few surprises and all hell breaks loose.

Calvert shared his father's interest in the new world and was actively involved in his effort to establish a colony .

In 1679 the territory of New Hampshire was carved out of it, and was established as a separate colony .


It is also occasionally found growing in small colonies in shallower parts of lakes with gentle water turbulence.

In 1681 the Quaker William Penn founded the colony of Pennsylvania.

Bee warned: Thousands of beehives are at risk after a deadly parasite was found in more colonies , experts warned yesterday.

The Ionionas undertook the exploration of the seas, founded new colonies , and immersed themselves in the arts.

On the other side of the peninsula we found colonies of seals and penguins.


A few live in huge colonies on volcanoes, their eggs hatched by the earth's heat.

Many birds live in colonies but mate monogamously within the colony.

Ants are called social insects because they live in large colonies .

In the 1770s few Catholics lived in the colonies .

So do the million and a half termites living in the colony .

The honeybees have taken this basic arrangement and elaborated it to an extreme degree so that they live in colonies of many thousands.


There was a lot wrong with the way the corporations ran the colonies .


Termites and ants do it seasonally when the time comes for them to mate, disperse and set up new colonies .


a nudist colony

an ant colony

an artists' colony on the East Coast

Fighting is continuing in the former Belgian colony .

In 1980, the former British colony of Rhodesia gained independence as the Republic of Zimbabwe.

Many people who came to the colonies were escaping religious persecution.

The United States was once a colony of Great Britain.


Bishop had known what was happening: the Guild of Adjudicators was famed and feared in equal measure amongst the Earth colonies.

By the mid 1960s most colonies had won their independence and by the mid 1970s the world was virtually free of colonies.

He could throw his lot in with the Lord General, and perhaps become a governor of one of the colony worlds.

In Mary Barton the working-class heroine and her husband go off to the colonies to start a new life.

Others, like sponges, consisted of a colony of cells with a porous skeleton.

Today Pine Gap looks like an advance moon colony in the Sea of Tranquillity.

When the colony was discovered eighteen years later, ten of the women had survived and only one of the men.

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