After scoring the winning goal he almost danced along the road in his satisfaction and conceit .
I got so sick of his conceit that I threw the damn trophy out.
The movie's design conceit uses color for the dream, and black and white for the real world.
From their callous hearts comes iniquity; the evil conceits of their minds know no limits.
Had Gabriel publicly insulted him in his cups one night in the Raven, fatally offending that pompous conceit ?
His own marriage was a disastrous threat to this conceit of mastery.
His personal defects are a somewhat hostile reserve, conceit , and a narrow outlook....
It sounds like the conceit of a Disney movie.
More literary games, but here intellectual conceits are mixed with bawdy farce.
The boar with a flower in his mouth is just a conceit and an obsession.
What colossal conceit , what sheer hubris, in the idea that he could have both!