Meaning of CONCUBINE in English



Giving up his five wives and dozen concubines, Vladimir demanded that all his subjects in Kiev become baptized.

He is refused hospitality by the rich village priest, who lives with a concubine .

He was the elder brother of Burun's father, the son of a concubine , never acknowledged as heir.

On the death of his third wife, Charles lived with no less than three concubines who bore him numerous children.

Pharaoh's daughter would probably be a daughter by one of his concubines, not a princess of blood-royal.

The priest and his concubine retire; the guest soon seduces the girl with the promise of the sheepskin in payment.

The priest had to be denounced by his parishioners; many with concubines would have escaped challenge.

There is little doubt that those Roman writers who equate slaves with concubines were telling the truth.

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