a condemned prisoner (= one who is going to be punished by being killed )
There is an appeal process for condemned prisoners.
a resolution condemning sth
The UN Security Council tabled a resolution condemning the invasion.
condemned cell
sentence/condemn sb to death (= decide someone must die as an official punishment )
Two men were sentenced to death for the killings.
In consequence, these people also condemned the planners and the Council.
It also condemns Labour-minded people in the North to acute political frustration.
The Foreign Office also condemned the increase.
She also condemned the practice of paying men-midwives higher fees than women.
But the formula which brought them together was widely, and justifiably, condemned as unwieldy and tedious.
The conflict lies in the fact that this second pole has for centuries been condemned as negative, subversive.
With the wisdom of hindsight the policy of Ebert and his colleagues has been condemned as excessively pragmatic.
The present leasehold system affects an estimated three million owners and has been widely condemned as unfair and archaic.
What the former valued as a proper earthiness and sensuality, the latter condemned as mere vulgarity.
In classical literature and ethics hypocrisy is condemned as undermining the essential distinction between good and evil.
They condemn as absurd, lessons that teach children about homosexuality years before they can understand the meaning of the word.
In 1965 it was condemned as unsafe and locked up.
Such inequality was roundly condemned by the Old Testament prophets.
And every year the report's findings are roundly condemned by Tory politicians for being excessively negative.
Under normal circumstances that would be a thoroughly anti-democratic development, to be roundly condemned .
We can not too strongly condemn such a practice and we recommend its total abolition ....
And last night the emergency services strongly condemned the children's school for organising the event during such bad weather.
The murder has been widely condemned .
The proposal, to help fund fisheries work, had been widely condemned by farmers and landowners.
The present leasehold system affects an estimated three million owners and has been widely condemned as unfair and archaic.
He merely condemned the actions which preserved that regime, and then only the worst.
Democrats are discussing whether to abandon an effort to force a House vote on a resolution condemning the actions of Rep.
You are absolutely right to condemn their actions which are little more than accidents waiting to happen.
Community leaders have condemned the attack .
Intvs with community leaders condemning the attack .
During an emergency debate on the situation on Sept. 25 the Bundestag unanimously condemned the attacks .
The protest group fighting the plan says it wasn't responsible and has condemned the attacks .
Voice over Police hunting the culprits have condemned the attack .
Mottram was an original drunken sailor and was condemned to death for stealing a boat.
White told how he had repeatedly tried to escape, been twice captured, twice imprisoned, finally condemned to death .
As befitted his rank he was tried before the House of Lords and, being found guilty, was condemned to death .
Fatally offended, the jury condemned him to death .
His cook was charged and being found guilty was condemned to death .
McVeigh was condemned to death after his conviction on identical charges in June.
Justine has been condemned to death .
This does not condemn interactive multimedia to death , but it does suggest a slower-than-expected scenario for widespread adoption.
The Government deserve to be condemned by the electorate, as they surely will be.
When Physioc refused to sell his property, the government condemned it and set about to take it under eminent domain laws.
The Congress, held in a factory, condemned the invasion .
There was a resolution he tried to get passed every year, condemning the invasion and calling for a withdrawal.
The Soviet Union swiftly condemned the invasion , saying it was a blow to growing warmth in US-Soviet relations.
In Cairo 14 Arab League countries condemn the invasion and call for an immediate withdrawal.
Community leaders have condemned the attack.
Congressional representatives and religious leaders fired off faxes condemning violence at abortion clinics.
Intvs with community leaders condemning the attack.
Free world and Communist leaders alike condemned Deng and his government.
Almost everyone, from right-wing businessmen to left-wing union and student leaders , condemned it.
The Home Office is seriously considering the plans, while campaigners are condemning the moves .
Read in studio Protestors have condemned plans for Britain's second biggest reservoir as monstrous.
It does not condemn the practice .
In 1991, many newspapers and magazines published ferocious editorials condemning the practice .
We can not too strongly condemn such a practice and we recommend its total abolition ....
For example, exclusive dealing has been condemned in anticompetitive practice reports on several occasions.
She also condemned the practice of paying men-midwives higher fees than women.
In Parliament, opposition spokesmen condemned the proposals as an attack on the welfare state and a break with the consensus.
Pete Wilson has been especially vehement in condemning that proposal .
Independent parts manufacturers condemned the proposals as anti-competitive.
That same day, several timber-industry groups mounted well-staged press conferences condemning the proposal .
The report also was condemned by Rep.
Female speaker Read in studio Voice over A report has condemned the state of prisoners rooms at a low security gaol.
Both reports condemned the existing system and recommended the end of a separate Poor Law.
An engineer's report had condemned the spire as dangerous and said that it must be dismantled.
The report condemns recent changes in countryside protection policies, which it says were based on severely flawed statistics.
For the first time, the World Health Organisation's annual assembly passed a resolution condemning female circumcision.
Democrats are discussing whether to abandon an effort to force a House vote on a resolution condemning the actions of Rep.
The meeting passed particular resolutions condemning the uncontrolled logging in Sarawak and the continuing harassment of tribal peoples in the state.
The Roman catholic church, in episcopal statements , unequivocally condemns violence North or South.
Kececiler's statement was condemned by opposition politicians and the press.
It condemned the use of secret trials and accused the government of refusing to allow the free expression of opposition views.
We therefore condemn the use of public funds to subsidize obscenity and blasphemy masquerading as art.
He condemns the violence that took place at Ault.
Congressional representatives and religious leaders fired off faxes condemning violence at abortion clinics.
The Roman catholic church, in episcopal statements, unequivocally condemns violence North or South.
There was a resolution he tried to get passed every year, condemning the invasion and calling for a withdrawal.
Here is the social democrat refusing to condemn the absurdities he chronicles so well; or simply producing half-baked observations.
Inpeg, the Czech environmentalist umbrella group that organised the protests, refused to condemn Molotov cocktails being thrown at police.
roundly condemn/criticize etc
And every year the report's findings are roundly condemned by Tory politicians for being excessively negative.
Pena was roundly criticized by senators who lectured him about public grandstanding and insufficient attention to safety concerns.
Such inequality was roundly condemned by the Old Testament prophets.
The slickly produced pamphlet listed numerous general goals but offered little in the way of specifics and has been roundly criticized.
Under normal circumstances that would be a thoroughly anti-democratic development, to be roundly condemned.
Inspectors condemned the three buildings after the fire.
Lawyers were quick to condemn the new legislation.
Local authorities have been condemned for failing to tackle the problem of homelessness.
Politicians and religious leaders have universally condemned this act of terrorism.
The destruction of rainforests has been condemned as a disaster for the environment.
The French government condemned the killings and ordered an immediate investigation.
Far better condemn the whole nation to watching television.
It was lauded by the industry but condemned as insufficient by some security experts and victims' advocates, including Cummock.
Meaning they either threw you in the gulag for 20 years or condemned you to a lifetime of borscht.
Standing at windows was his favourite situation for brooding, self-examination, consoling or condemning himself ... wondering what to do next.
The cooks were up at 0500 hours, preparing the usual early breakfast for men condemned to hard work.
They want to condemn industrial output.
Where she was concerned, he was too prone to condemn .
You are condemned to live outside time.