satisfy a criterion
These programmes permit students to enter higher education without satisfying all the admissions criteria.
strict criteria (= standards that are used for judging someone or making a decision about them )
The supermarket’s suppliers must meet strict criteria.
the selection criteria (= the set of reasons used for choosing something )
What are your selection criteria?
Though it no longer has the same resonance, it remains an important criterion .
I regard the most important criterion as an improvement in the delivery of patient care by the hospital in question.
I am increasingly concerned that validators increasingly fail to use as an important criterion the total experience of a student.
Weber also saw ownership of wealth as an important criterion for distinguishing classes.
Thomas made participation in chapel activities an important criterion for network strength.
Some line experience appears a main criterion .
The main criterion for subdivision of the detrital rocks is grain size, given as the diameter of the grain in millimeters.
Intestinal metaplasia in four or more biopsy specimens was the main criterion for inclusion in the study.
Therefore, the main criterion is value for money.
The main criterion for an effective service must be that it is staffed by experienced professionals who are appropriately qualified.
There will be no point telling speakers they are using prevaricate wrongly, because usage is the main criterion for meaning.
To be sure, this is not the only criterion: the voices of other Christians may be very confused.
The only criterion is that of mutual comprehension.
Age was not the only criterion in his choice of parts.
Assertions that intention is the sole criterion of validity are few, suspect, and found only in post-classical texts.
But many borrowers choose an appealing discount deal as the sole criterion when they take out a loan.
A criterion of instant and obvious utility can not be the sole criterion for the inclusion of items in the school curriculum.
Thus age should not be the sole criterion for withholding aggressive treatment of community-acquired pneumonia in older patients.
The sole criterion is the market price of the land.
To apply the social efficiency criterion the government needs information on social costs and benefits.
Success is not guaranteed by applying this criterion of selection.
How few human beings in the entire galaxy could fulfil that criterion !
Whichever, both entries fulfil my third criterion .
Cascaded identical sections that meet this criterion are all identically loaded and, therefore, behave identically.
Thus, most of the research they discuss does not even meet the criterion they chose for their review.
Simplistic hierarchies do not meet this criterion .
It would be better to fit a line which met some predetermined criterion .
If a child is not able to meet this criterion , then the method is not appropriate.
Both Nash reversion and Abreu's simple penal codes are subgame perfect equilibrium strategies and so satisfy this criterion of credibility.
The presence or absence of reflux symptoms was not used as a selection criterion for asthmatics.
Wilson and Connerly also are mulling a ban on using race as a criterion in awarding financial aid, the sources said.
It can occur when age is used as a criterion for redundancy or early retirement.
Their hope was that the statement could be used as the principal criterion for selecting an appropriate organization structure.
I am increasingly concerned that validators increasingly fail to use as an important criterion the total experience of a student.
Other researchers use less strict criteria and claim to find competence where Piagetians, using their criterion, do not.
The company's criterion for success is high sales.
A criterion of reasonableness or rational basis is obviously a narrower standard of review.
Both Nash reversion and Abreu's simple penal codes are subgame perfect equilibrium strategies and so satisfy this criterion of credibility.
Other researchers use less strict criteria and claim to find competence where Piagetians, using their criterion , do not.
The criterion is the number of years before the pre-tax cash receipts from the project pay back the capital invested.
The main criterion for subdivision of the detrital rocks is grain size, given as the diameter of the grain in millimeters.
The merit of the project in relation to each criterion is assessed in terms of the five classes, ranging from very good to very poor.
Their utilitarian contribution to our welfare should not, in other words, be our criterion as to whether they survive or not.
This difference of criterion as to the character of the conflict was reflected in the way power was handled on each side.