If they were packed tightly there could be 5 thousand million of them in a cubic centimetre of inflammation.
How many hydra per cubic centimetre teem in that pond?
For the cost of a few cubic feet of topsoil, the garden can be terraced excitingly on to, say, three levels.
Half a million cubic feet of the building are used to store the paper on which the intercepts eventually appear.
All the pallets were of a standard size which Bob guessed to be about four feet square, about sixty-four cubic feet.
It offers 118 cubic feet of cargo space, or five times the trunk space of a Buick Regal.
This hasn't restricted the boot space which is 18 cubic feet - square and uncluttered thanks to the good suspension design.
In San Marcos, river conditions can be adversely affected when spring flow drops below 100 cubic feet per second.
Clever design also ensures that the Safrane offers 10% more basic luggage space than the Renault 25 at 17 cubic feet .
It delivers about 700 million cubic feet of gas per day.
These have a radius of about ten miles and densities of millions of tons per cubic inch .
Of this, 4 million cubic kilometres is a reasonable estimate for the freshwater we could extract.
About four cubic kilometres of ash were ejected, falling out over an area of 57,000 square kilometres.
If Shaw is right one such flood must have contained around 84,000 cubic kilometres of water.
How can this happen on a planet that has an estimated 1400 million cubic kilometres of water?
By far the largest proportion is in the oceans, which hold roughly 1370 million cubic kilometres of salt water.
If conservation measures were adopted, the report said, the forests could cope with 9.2 million cubic meters a year.
They put an upper limit of 4.6 million cubic meters on annual timber extraction.
You then need to multiply this by your company's charge for each cubic metre of water.
Charges differ throughout the country but 40p per cubic metre is a rough guide.
Levels of sulphur dioxide in the air reached 2,400 microgrammes per cubic metre over the weekend.
If all goes to plan, the sail will collapse into a box less than a cubic metre in volume.
The new limit is one billionth of a gram per cubic metre .
The consultants reckon that pumping water from depths of 20 metres would cost less than 50 cents per cubic metre with solar power.
We each drink about one cubic metre of water a year and use between 50 and 100 for domestic purposes.
Over one and a half million cubic metres of ash were swept out of what remained of the town.
Inside was a habitable volume of just under six cubic metres .
In the beginning, it lost about 15 billion cubic metres of water by seepage each year.
The catamaran can work to a depth of 25 metres , excavating 250-300 cubic metres an hour.
More than 110,000 tonnes of concrete will be used - 45,000 cubic metres - and 8,500 tonnes of reinforced steel.
Releases were increased over the weekend to 7500 cubic metres a second, engulfing communities on the floodplain below.
Timber production in Sarawak reached 18 million cubic metres in 1990.
Omsk alone required the excavation of 130,000 cubic metres of earth.
It was at this inquest that Gordon Thomas claimed that 60,000 cubic yards of earth had been moved during the excavation.
For every fifty cubic yards of concrete, Carlton took four samples and pressed them into plastic cylinders.
Every last cubic yard on Sir George's side of the road.
Wieczorek estimates the total volume of rock as 80, 000 cubic yards .
The government was paying farmers fifteen cents a cubic yard to move dirt.
A landslide of 600, 000 cubic yards of granite occurred in the park in 1987 but caused no air blast.
In all, there is 35, 000 cubic yards of garbage.
Still, Waste Management estimated that 35, 000 cubic yards of refuse would have to be excavated.
A country that imports wheat rather than growing it locally therefore saves 1,000 cubic metres of water for every tonne it imports.
All the pallets were of a standard size which Bob guessed to be about four feet square, about sixty-four cubic feet.
Dux wanted cubic capacity, lots of it.
It offers 118 cubic feet of cargo space, or five times the trunk space of a Buick Regal.
The government was paying farmers fifteen cents a cubic yard to move dirt.
The men were injured in March last year when seven cubic metres of concentrated nitric acid escaped from a valve.
The total volume of the brown shales is 12, 600 cubic miles as determined from a study of well cuttings.
Up to 1.2 million cubic metres are expected to be cut this year - three or four times as much as in 1991.