That was how he made his living - selling paintings of great delicacy and serenity and beauty.
The smaller ones are more expensive and a greater delicacy than the larger ones.
Every part of an animal is used: chicken's feet, fish eyes, offal and fat are great delicacies .
There are some, Ishmael tells us, who, like Stubb, find whale meat a great delicacy .
Now, only the wealthiest can afford to eat it, served in high class restaurants as a great delicacy .
Selfridges now offers the unusual jams, preserves, spices, sauces and other delicacies that have made Fauchon's name.
She would send over beef tea and other delicacies to try and cheer them up.
He was a regular provider in our house of bum trout and other delicacies .
a sculpture of great delicacy and subtlety
Abalone are considered a delicacy in many fish restaurants.
Hasan plied us with drinks and an array of Egyptian delicacies which he brought from the kitchen.
Squid is a delicacy in this part of Italy.
The issue is being handled with extreme delicacy .
A cornettist equally capable of filigree delicacy and challenging power, Barnard's contribution to jazz is considerable.
He used to buy in a lot of delicacies to pretend to his family that Gina could cook.
I had gone believing that I would find plenty of eggs and fish from Lake Balaton - apparently a delicacy .
Mellissa kept on hand supplies of all delicacies necessary to human well-being.
She told herself that she was showing commendable delicacy in not probing.
That was how he made his living - selling paintings of great delicacy and serenity and beauty.