I. verb
The specialty-chemicals company plans to take a fourth-quarter restructuring charge of 28 cents to 30 cents a fully diluted share.
If this also causes aggravation, the remedy can be further diluted in a third cup, and so on.
That water flows into the Sacramento River, where it is further diluted by water from Shasta Dam.
What was 3C is now further diluted 1:50,000.
The effect of this will be to dilute further the value of the company's existing shares.
For each study the aliquot was further diluted in 0.9% NaCl solution.
This solution is then diluted further for use.
The right is further diluted because licences are available as of right during the last five years.
They can detect this flavour even when their home water is diluted to one part in several million.
This would lead to diminished delivery of salt and water to the diluting sites.
Low river flow worsens pollution, since there is less water to dilute sewage and other outflows.
First, delivery of solute and water to the diluting sites is essential.
Sodium nitrite is dissolved in distilled water and diluted to volume.
Add some red wine to dilute the tomato sauce.
Concentrated bleach can be diluted with water.
Continue diluting the tomato sauce with red wine, according to taste.
For babies, dilute the fruit juice with at least the same amount of water.
Opening NATO to new members may dilute its strength.
Pour a little of the antiseptic into a bowl and dilute it before bathing the cut.
Right wing groups are determined to dilute the influence of the trade unions.
They felt that their original aims and demands were being diluted.
To make citron presse, dilute fresh lemon juice with water and add sugar.
But diluting the quality of the performer does nothing to protect the Olympic ideal.
For each study the aliquot was further diluted in 0.9% NaCl solution.
Sixty years down the line, grandad's bravery genes have been seriously diluted.
The river can dilute the small amounts of pollutant discharged by the chemical producer.
They can detect this flavour even when their home water is diluted to one part in several million.
II. adjective
Both provide a measure of chain stiffness in dilute solution .
In a dilute solution in water, it is familiar as a household antiseptic.
In dilute solutions of strong bases or acids, the quantities are comparable, but for weak bases or acids they are not.
An expression for the lowering of vapour pressure for dilute solutions can be derived from Raoult's law.
By assuming in dilute solutions the molar mass can be obtained from the Mark-Houwink relation.
Glucose in dilute solution in sap-water thus passes through internal passages in the plant until it reaches a growing cell.
Try giving the baby diluted fruit juice
A source of some confusion is the patient with polyuria and a dilute urine due to primary polydipsia.
Both provide a measure of chain stiffness in dilute solution.
He came on, walking in the same direction as Rachaela, the dilute snow sparkling in his hat like sequins.
In a dilute solution in water, it is familiar as a household antiseptic.
Some success has been reported in algae control by adding a very dilute copper sulphate or copper citrate solution to the water.
Water is then fed into the hopper and the dilute liquid fed into the sprayer.
When albumin is placed in water, dilute salt solutions, or moderately concentrated salt solutions, it remains soluble.