Meaning of EARNINGS-RELATED in English





They may look forward to good occupational pension , a significant state earnings-related pension and a cash sum from maturing insurance policies.

Under the 1975 Pensions Act, invalidity pensioners will eventually qualify for inflation-proofed earnings-related pensions.

The government offered a 5-year subsidy to people moving from the state earnings-related pension scheme to take out a private pension.

You can also get a forecast of the additional earnings-related pension to which you are entitled.

This had become operational in 1978, although full earnings-related pensions were not due to come into effect until 1998.


The first attempt at building an earnings-related element into the flat-rate retirement pension came in 1958.

The government offered a 5-year subsidy to people moving from the state earnings-related pension scheme to take out a private pension.

They may look forward to good occupational pension, a significant state earnings-related pension and a cash sum from maturing insurance policies.

This had become operational in 1978, although full earnings-related pensions were not due to come into effect until 1998.

This means that nearly all female workers and male manual workers pay a completely earnings-related contribution.

Under the 1975 Pensions Act, invalidity pensioners will eventually qualify for inflation-proofed earnings-related pensions.

You can also get a forecast of the additional earnings-related pension to which you are entitled.

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