Meaning of ECONOMICAL in English





This method is infinitely more economical of tubes than the classical method and seems to produce effective remedies.

Maybe if the food had been less pedestrian and the cost more economical , I could have done just that.

Surely they could see if two buses or even one bus an hour would be more economical .

But if fuel could be made on the Moon, the transportation system would be much more economical .

Aunt Bella says that it's more economical to buy like that, but I know it's because she's afraid.

In the long run, hiring and training your own telemarketing staff is more economical , Tiknis says.

Floor tile adhesive is widely available in powder form as well as ready-mixed, and the former is generally more economical to use.

The resultant traffic snarl convinced him that there must be a more economical and efficient sys-tem of distribution.


For instance, with tar sands and oil shales, surface mining is the most economical method of recovery.

Since extinctions can not cause impacts, the most economical explanation seems to be that the impacts caused the extinctions!

An unrestricted scheduled fare is ideal, but is not of course the most economical means of travel.

It was also one of the most economical , which was why Kolchinsky would have purchased it in the first place.

From this data the most economical processes, equipment and sequences can be planned.

It is therefore most economical , from the quality control point of view, to produce large batches.


Of course, it's very economical to run.

Because the recommended dilutions for Rodinal are between 1:25 and 1:75 the developer is very economical to use.

When the number of attributes is low, this allows very economical storage of the data about a particular record.


I'd like to buy a car that is more economical on petrol.

I'm trying to be more economical when I go shopping, and only buying what I really need.

It's more economical to buy the big packet - it's only 50p more than the small one.

It might be more economical to buy the video, rather than renting it so many times.

People should be encouraged to buy smaller, more economical cars with fewer toxic emissions.

The Unipot does the work of several saucepans, and is very economical .

This is a well-designed car that is also very economical to run.

Tim's a very economical person,. He always looks around for the best buys.

We have a very economical heating system, so the bills aren't too high.


Buffalo is one of the most efficient grass-eating animals in the world, thus it is more economical to raise than cattle.

Dreamy, deft and economical , it was born to prowl the airwaves.

Her movements were fluid, economical and beautiful to watch, like those of a good swimmer.

In insisting that no changes had been made to the original plan, his team was being economical with the truth.

In some circumstances, it may prove more economical to replace complete joists.

In the long run, hiring and training your own telemarketing staff is more economical , Tiknis says.

Maybe if the food had been less pedestrian and the cost more economical , I could have done just that.

Yet her simple, economical prose can carry irony as well as depth of feeling.

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