Meaning of EDIT in English



edit a file (= make changes to it )

I edited the file and saved it to the hard disk.

edit a film

The film was edited using the latest digital technology.




Jake was reviewing the Ireland match on video, editing out all the passages of time where the ball was dead.

That line had been edited out of yesterday's remarks.

Not only would this save costs, but coughs and extraneous noises could be edited out .

But when leaders shape visions that are too wordy, peo-ple edit out all but the most meaningful aspirations.

Observers of the seven-month trial are left wondering who edited out the intrigue.

Often elements of the story would be edited out by the interval.

With Lowell a lot had to be edited out before she spoke.

It was like a rerun of the reel in which my father was edited out .



He has written or edited twelve books , mainly examining relationships between industrial change and regional and national economies.

The book is, however, not disjointed and the chapters are uniform in presentation and carefully edited .

He is a man who has edited a book of satirical verse.


He has written or edited twelve books , mainly examining relationships between industrial change and regional and national economies.


Anyone with access to your disk can recall, print, or edit your documents .

You can edit a new document as you type it or an existing one that is already saved on the disk.

Unlike some other word-processing programs, WordPerfect does not automatically make backup copies of edited documents .

Of course, to edit an existing document , you must first recall it.

Proofread and edit the completed document . use the Spell and Thesaurus programs.


Now you need to edit the WIN.INI file .

For more flexibility use the Editor to edit the DOSSHELL.INI file .


Making and editing getting on for fifty films would take time, but Karajan was well ahead of the game.

For example, every Disney animator had a Moviola for viewing and editing film .

Six 12-hour days of editing later, the film was finished.


Firstly, I understand that you must edit letters , but the crucial point on avoiding sexist language was omitted.

Then you can edit your letter later.

We reserve the right to edit letters .

The editor reserves the right to edit letters .

The editor is not bound to agree with readers' opinions and reserves the right to edit letters .

We reserve the right to edit all letters so that all the nasty, unintelligible bits get taken out.


She also edited our magazine for several years.

He edited the magazine Hills, and coordinated as series of influential talks on the new writing.

He edited the school magazine and was a leading figure on the school's workers' council.

Helen will continue to edit the magazine as she has since 1965.

Later, at Ohio State University, he edited the campus humor magazine .


I used to edit a radical student newspaper .

A trade union employed a journalist to edit its newspaper .

He now edits Solidarity's weekly newspaper , but probably not for long.


Usually, you can run a Web browser at the same time as you're editing your Web page .

This will give you the opportunity to edit your pages as you review them.

Many people are still using it to create and edit Web pages .


The learner is enabled to edit and modify text in the same way, say, as an adult journalist would.

Save it as text and you can read or edit it in any text viewer or word processor.


The user can then edit the index if any entries need amending.

PaperPort software creates a graphic image of the scanned item and lets the user edit , annotate and sort the result.

The combined package with the basic function of Photoshop Version 2.5, enables users to input and edit images with their computer.


Colleagues presented him with video editing equipment which was handed over by Michael Larkin, senior manager in Research Group.

The company capitalized on burgeoning demand for workstations designed for highly graphical applications, such as video editing and engineering design.

Jake was reviewing the Ireland match on video , editing out all the passages of time where the ball was dead.

This presents problems when video is being edited unless frame-accurate editing equipment is being used - see Chapter 8.

A new development called time-coding is in the process of revolutionising video editing at the advanced amateur level.

Matinee gives you over 30 clips of video to edit and view.


Like Maxim, this one also is being edited by a woman , Amy Schrier.



Here we publish edited answers to some of the questions that are dominating the current political debate.

Nearby, DayStar Digital was selling its pricier, super-performance Mac clones for high-end publishing and editing .

The resulting historic memoir was published in 1907, edited by Geikie in his retirement.

It will be published by Heinemann, edited by Penny Hoare, and the backlist will appear in Mandarin.

Examples of policy statements have been published in a book edited by Futas.


We reserve the right to edit letters.

Editors reserve the right to edit entries for taste or content.

Please keep letters as brief as possible, and legible; we reserve the right to edit them.

The editor reserves the right to edit letters.

The editor is not bound to agree with readers' opinions and reserves the right to edit letters.


This unfortunately gives the-perhaps false-impression, that the text was written or edited in rather a rushed manner.

Today the Foxfire magazine is still written , edited , and published by students.

He has written or edited twelve books, mainly examining relationships between industrial change and regional and national economies.

Within each sphere, there are those who own or manage the media and those who write or edit the content.

It was written , edited , illustrated and compiled by homeless and formerly homeless people in San Francisco.

All your knowledge is drawn from an old book that some one wrote and edited .


Gupta founded and edited a newspaper in colonial East Africa.

Viewing and editing documents on screen can be much quicker than working on paper.


Education bosses have edited favourite children's author Roald Dahl out of their proposed guide to recommended reading in schools.

He looks at a film in the editing room like a sculptor and assembles the pieces.

Nor is there any way of inputting or editing individual records.

Press B to enter the edit mode.

Today the Foxfire magazine is still written, edited, and published by students.

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