Meaning of ELEMENTAL in English





Six prospective randomised trials have evaluated the efficacy of elemental diets in Crohn's disease.

The rate of relapse in elemental diet treated patients was higher than in those who had gained remission with prednisolone.

During the early phase of reintroductions patients continued with elemental diet as a nutritional supplement.

The subsequent relapse rate after elemental diet induced remission, however, is greater than after treatment with prednisolone.

In conclusion, this study confirms that four weeks treatment with elemental diet , when tolerated, is as effective as prednisolone.

In another trial this type of diet was as effective as an elemental diet in inducing remission in active Crohn's disease.

In three of them, this diet was as effective as an elemental diet in achieving remission.

Unlike previous studies comparing elemental diet with corticosteroids, in this trial we have stratified patients according to nutritional state before randomisation.


elemental carbon


Earlier relapse after elemental diet treatment has also been noted in paediatric patients.

He was referred in 1984 and had a full clinical remission with elemental diet and began single food reintroductions.

He was seized by an elemental hunger but made himself eat slowly.

The air filled with the strong scent of herbs being burned to discourage elemental spirits.

The unique features for elemental analysis are the direct monitoring of surface hydrogen and the extreme sensitivity to the outermost atomic layers.

They were also closely related, if not to the survival, at least to the elemental comforts of man.

Twenty two patients were randomised to receive elemental diet and 20 to receive prednisolone.

When you reduce some-thing to its most elemental state, its nuclear core, you can generalize from there.

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