emit a signal (= sends one out )
The device emits a signal which can be picked up by a submarine.
When minerals such as quartz and feldspars have received a radiation dose and are then heated, they emit light .
Are black smokers hot enough to emit light visible to the shrimp?
Scientists can learn much about the nature of an object by studying the way it emits and absorbs light and other radiation.
Suppose he were to emit a flash of light from a torch.
The right-angle configuration does not prevent loss of the exciting or the emitted light . 19.
What happens is that a matter particle , such as an electron or a quark, emits a force-carrying particle.
As the emitted particles are absorbed by the surrounding matter, their energy of motion is transformed into heat.
All matter at temperatures above that of absolute zero emits infrared radiation .
Energy lost by electrons as they are evicted from their traps is emitted as light radiation and is termed thermoluminescence.
But a body with a particular temperature must emit radiation at a certain rate.
The lamps emit ultra-violet radiation which has powerful cancer-causing abilities, according to a small pilot study on its effects on mice.
The isotopes are measured by counting their alpha emissions; each isotope emits alpha radiation of a characteristic frequency.
This was suspected because when the particles collide they emit radio signals .
Each transmitter in each fish emits a different signal , explained Vlach.
A transponder is a device that emits radar signals identifying and locating aircraft for air traffic controllers.
The Clown Loach are continually fighting; they emit a clicking sound which I know is territorial.
One emits a low sound . the other a sound of higher pitch.
These emit two distinct sounds , depending on which end one blows into.
Instantly, the metal container began to emit a clicking sound .
She came even closer and emitted a sound like laughter.
This encouraged the natural impulse to whistle, and led in turn to the use of instrumental whistles emitting high-frequency sound .
Sounds emitted by the dolphins were recorded with an underwater microphone.
The Earth emits natural radiation.
The machine emits regular bleeps which indicate the heart rate.
When minerals such as quartz are heated, they emit light.
An average car emits five lungfuls of poisonous carbon monoxide gas per mile.
But soon after lunar sunrise, it emitted an extremely powerful blast of radio energy.
He knew he had acquired an object which emitted other noxious gases - Pitfall Number One - but that wasn't all.
It emitted less than a tenth as much radiation.
Sleep becomes very deep as your brain emits high, wide delta waves.
The ratios change over time as potassium undergoes radioactive decay and emits argon gas.