Meaning of ENJOYABLE in English



a pleasant/enjoyable stay

Our driver said goodbye and wished us a pleasant stay.


We want to make the experience as enjoyable as possible.

She recalled pleasant experiences from her past.




It's one way of ensuring your stay is as enjoyable as the journey.

It is as enjoyable as feeling gently hungry or amorous.


But it's a very polished and highly enjoyable game none the less.

Some probably were highly enjoyable , while others were unpleasant but had to be tolerated.

They are non-tidal, easy of access, composed of flawless rock and highly enjoyable .

Both cruises are highly enjoyable 1 hour round trips and include a commentary from the skipper.

I have read your magazine many times and always find it highly enjoyable and informative.


But he says the experience was much more enjoyable and educational than it would have been had everything gone well.

The thing is, a lot of people find a motor home vacation more enjoyable .

This will stimulate the speaker and consequently make your listening more enjoyable .

The bottom line: Taking time now to plan is a wise investment toward a more enjoyable and economically feasible vacation.

It was just a case that being in a band would be much more enjoyable without him.

But the testers all agreed that of the two, the later version was by far the more enjoyable to use.

The former world heavyweight champ was supposed to write a book documenting his prison experiences but clearly finds fiction more enjoyable .

Instead of actually fixing that dripping faucet, spend a much more enjoyable hour getting tips on remodeling from this excellent site.


This should be a gracious and most enjoyable evening.

He played classical guitar, and our music class was one of the most enjoyable hours for me.

It was one of the most enjoyable tours they had had.

Storytelling to six-year olds above all is the most hazardous and the most enjoyable experience I know, a sort of terror-sport.

John Gay's masterpiece is one of the blackest indictments of human nature in the repertoire and one of the most enjoyable .

Am I wrong in thinking that the old days, if not the best, were the most enjoyable ?

We had quite a party in the end, most enjoyable .

The number attending was smaller than usual but it was, nevertheless, a most enjoyable and successful function. 2.


Quite apart from the money, work can be thoroughly enjoyable and rewarding in its own right.

A long overdue report on Breckenridge where we spent a thoroughly enjoyable skiing holiday in April 1990.

We waved them off at about 8.45am the following morning, after having a thoroughly enjoyable weekend.

One way and another it had been a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon.

This is thoroughly enjoyable and could not be more informative.

Not so well known as the New World, it is a thoroughly enjoyable work.

I think it is this link between knowledge and innocence that makes both books thoroughly enjoyable to read.

It provided a thoroughly enjoyable and meaningful evening's entertainment.


I spent many hours like this, in very enjoyable conversation.

We had a very enjoyable week with Richard, including a visit to my brother in Peterborough.

The celebration of the Eucharist itself was a very enjoyable and moving occasion, that brought people of all ages together.

All in all it had been very enjoyable .

It's very enjoyable , very civilised.

The week at Mine-head proved very enjoyable and away from work I found time to read some very interesting books.

I do hope that you have a very enjoyable evening and an informative one too.

It is very hard work, but very enjoyable .



The key to an enjoyable day is to remember to dress appropriately.

Through such breaks, an enjoyable day became memorable.

Afterwards, there was still time for a spot of shopping and sight-seeing before embarking for home after a very enjoyable day .

All agreed it was a very enjoyable day out.


This should be a gracious and most enjoyable evening .

I do hope that you have a very enjoyable evening and an informative one too.

A most enjoyable evening . 3.

She rather dreaded the prospect, in spite of the fact that Helen prophesied an enjoyable evening .

Nevertheless, it was a thoroughly enjoyable evening with some excellent musicianship displayed.


Within two or three weeks a brisk walk for a full half-hour becomes an enjoyable experience .

Tap dance classes were not an enjoyable experience for a shy and introverted child.

Try to make bath time an enjoyable experience .

Going to an ELEK-TEK store is an enjoyable experience for everyone.

You should aim to make bathtime a relaxing and enjoyable experience .

Storytelling to six-year olds above all is the most hazardous and the most enjoyable experience I know, a sort of terror-sport.

The building is therefore not only a successful piece of archaeological experimentation but also an enjoyable experience for the visitor.

Above all, make it an enjoyable experience !


I try to make my lessons more enjoyable by using games.

It was a very enjoyable afternoon.

We spent an enjoyable evening playing cards.


All in all it had been very enjoyable .

I intend to have a thoroughly enjoyable and lengthy period without paid work.

It can be the most enjoyable and productive.

It was just a case that being in a band would be much more enjoyable without him.

One way and another it had been a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon.

Steam and Exmoor are an enjoyable combination.

This is always an enjoyable afternoon comprising open movement sessions, followed by regional displays.

Well, if you want to be like Daria, you probably find the show enjoyable and flattering.

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