Meaning of ENJOYABLE in English

en ‧ joy ‧ a ‧ ble S3 /ɪnˈdʒɔɪəb ə l/ BrE AmE adjective

[ Word Family: verb : ↑ enjoy ; noun : ↑ enjoyment ; adverb : ↑ enjoyably ; adjective : ↑ enjoyable ]

something enjoyable gives you pleasure:

Games can make learning more enjoyable.

an enjoyable experience

—enjoyably adverb

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■ describing something you like or enjoy

▪ nice especially spoken pleasant or enjoyable:

Did you have a nice day?


It was nice to be back home again.

▪ lovely especially British English informal very nice:

We had a lovely time at the beach.


The hotel was lovely.

▪ fun informal if something is fun, you enjoy it:

The holiday was great fun.

▪ enjoyable giving you pleasure:

We had a very enjoyable evening.

▪ wonderful very enjoyable:

It was a wonderful concert.


The food was wonderful.

▪ great ( also brilliant British English ) informal very enjoyable:

‘How was the party?’ ‘It was great!’


We all had a brilliant time.

▪ charming used about something that seems pleasant and has a lot of qualities that make you like it:

a charming little village in the Italian countryside


I thought the restaurant was rather charming.

▪ delightful formal very pleasant or enjoyable:

There are many delightful walks in the area.


a delightful evening

▪ pleasurable formal a pleasurable experience or feeling is one that you enjoy:

Shopping in the old city can be a pleasurable experience.


a pleasurable feeling of relief

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.