Meaning of ENTERITIS in English





Mycobacterium paratuberculosis is the causative agent of Johne's disease, a chronic enteritis in ruminants and in other animals.

Wehave shown for the first time that small intestinal and whole gut transit is faster in patients with chronic radiation enteritis .

Medical therapy of diarrhoea caused by chronic radiation enteritis has been largely empirical and there have been no adequate controlled studies.

Further work is necessary to clarify the role of this environmental organism in chronic enteritis in man.



Medical therapy of diarrhoea caused by chronic radiation enteritis has been largely empirical and there have been no adequate controlled studies.


At necropsy the carcass has a dehydrated appearance and there is an enteritis in the ileum.

Chronic radiation enteritis is now recognised as a frequent and clinically important sequel of abdominal and pelvic irradiation treatment for malignant disease.

However, in some tropical and subtropical areas, some species are responsible for severe enteritis in calves.

Mycobacterium paratuberculosis is the causative agent of Johne's disease, a chronic enteritis in ruminants and in other animals.

The breed is prone to occasional stomach troubles and bouts of enteritis so a good-quality diet is essential.

This results in a catarrhal enteritis with impairment of digestion and absorption.

Wehave shown for the first time that small intestinal and whole gut transit is faster in patients with chronic radiation enteritis .

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