fig leaf
In other words it is Picasso without a fig leaf .
But this fig leaf fooled no one.
But there is more fig leaf than fact in this rationalization.
Within a few days of its unveiling Achilles was modestly kitted out with a fig leaf .
The fig leaf , however, helped little.
What is the white fungus on the roots of the indoor fig tree , surely it is my fault?
He did it now, dragged his chair out under the leafy fig tree , beyond the glow of the porch light.
They had reached a flame-red Alfa Romeo convertible, parked in the leafy shade of a fig tree .
I returned to my men and told them to unload under some fig trees on the steep river bank.
The lovely south-facing Victorian conservatory with its wisteria and fig tree is ideal for quiet relaxation.
The fig tree embeds its multitudes of seeds in globes of sweet pulp.
A rush-seated wooden chair stood by the well, in the shade of a fig tree .
The people there don't give a fig .
The fellow said he didn't give a fig about life so why should he fear death?
Eline didn't give a fig for Joe's comfort or his state of mind.
Now she didn't give a fig , a house was just a building.
The structure of the trie is shown diagrammatically in fig 4.4.
Mean changes at 16 weeks in individual components of the Leicester score relative to placebo are shown in fig 2.
The application of bigram information to the lattice is shown in fig 4.3.
A typical result of this reduction process is shown in fig 1.2iv.
The first example shown in fig 1 is the intro from the track Voodoo Kiss.
You can then improvise some solos using ideas from the scales and arpeggios shown in figs 3-5.
The wah-wah riff to the next track we looked at, Dragonfly, is shown in fig 6.
Part of the grammar used is shown in fig 2.2.
Her mouth was pursed like a little fig , and her face had momentarily registered some expression as she looked at me.
The fellow said he didn't give a fig about life so why should he fear death?