With the advent of new candidates, their appeals needed to be freshened up and their cutting edges toughened.
If you don't get the chance to really freshen up with a shower then Femfresh has the answer.
Time to use the washroom, freshen up , take breakfast and a cab to the centre of London's West End.
He locked the door, showered and freshened up for supper.
And you can freshen up after dinner with the amenities of a comfort pack.
Its cleansing steam power is equally effective for freshening up paintwork or plasterwork on the walls or ceilings.
A few drops of tangy lemon oil in the bath will freshen up a hot and clammy patient.
Freshen your skin with avocado body lotion.
Some new pastel curtains should freshen up the bedroom.
To freshen a celery stalk, trim the base and place in cold water.
He locked the door, showered and freshened up for supper.
In addition, Ward requires on-line feedback from teachers so that the curriculum can be freshened with new insights.
Restless, woozy at the margins, he freshened his drink and carried it out to the sofa in the living room.
The wind was freshening and he took in the mizzen-sail.
Time to use the washroom, freshen up, take breakfast and a cab to the centre of London's West End.
To freshen the palate we finished with summer fruits in a delicate sugar basket with a strawberry coulis - a mouthwatering combination.
With the advent of new candidates, their appeals needed to be freshened up and their cutting edges toughened.