ˈfreshən verb
( freshened ; freshened ; freshening -sh(ə)niŋ ; freshens )
intransitive verb
1. : to grow or become fresh: as
a. of wind : to increase in strength : grow more brisk
the wind freshened from the north quarter
b. : to become fresh in appearance : become brighter, more vivid, or stronger in color or vitality
the flowers freshened after a good watering and some warm weather
at the compliment, the young girl's face freshened
c. of water : to lose saltiness
the water freshens quickly as one moves upstream from the sea
a. of a cow or other milch animal : to come into milk
b. : to give birth to young
3. : to wash the hands and face, take a shower, put on clean clothes, or perform other operations designed to improve one's appearance or encourage a sense of well-being — usually used with up
went back to the hotel to freshen up before going out to dinner
went to her room to freshen after the long night and day journey — James Reynolds
transitive verb
1. : to make fresh: as
a. : to separate (as water) from saline ingredients : make less salty
freshen salt fish
b. : to make fresher, newer, or more interesting in appearance or constitution : make brighter, more vivid, or stronger in color or vitality — sometimes used with up ; also : refresh , revive
like a wind of morning rising from the sea, it stirred his hair and freshened him — R.O.Bowen
in season pink and white dogwood freshen the scene — American Guide Series: Pennsylvania
the sun departed, leaving the soothing fingers of the darkness to freshen up the herbage and cool down the hot sands — Myrtle R. White
crews of painters are now freshening up several of the buildings — Springfield (Massachusetts) Daily News
the gown that she wore … was very old, though some attempt had been made to freshen it — Edith Sitwell
c. : to give (tissues) a fresh raw surface (as by scraping fibrous tissue from a fracture site) especially to promote union and healing
d. : to improve (a stale drink) by adding fresh matter
poured some more coffee in the cup to freshen it
freshen the highball with more ice
2. : to put (as oysters or clams) in fresher water
a. : to relieve (as a rope) by change of place or position where friction causes wear
b. : shift , redistribute
freshen a ship's ballast
4. : to improve the appearance or restore or increase the sense of well-being of (oneself) by freshening — usually used with up