Meaning of GEOMETRIC in English



geometric progression




Serigne Mbaye Camara carves geometric forms and applies them to two-colour backgrounds.

Apollinaire and Hourcade added that this conceptual or intellectual approach led naturally to a selection of simple geometric forms .

The asymmetric deployment of forces can be used to change one geometric form into another.


Two laser displays which create geometric patterns of pure light pulsate to the atmospheric music.

The two substances differ from each other only in the geometric pattern with which the carbon atoms are packed.

The repetition of many geometric patterns at Withington and Newton St. Loe is notable.

It surely can not be thought coincidental that these precise geometric patterns have been set out in the Wiltshire countryside.

So you can expect the geometric pattern lounge carpet to look sharp in years to come.

Go for strong colours and simple geometric patterns .

I was taken aback by the decor - vivid red, yellow and green geometric patterns screaming from every wall.


I can see street lights ahead, and the geometric shapes of darkened houses.

Then you can soften the geometric shapes a bit.

Very commonly, people see static landscapes, moving faces or a sequence of pictures or geometric shapes .

Experiment will reveal that any regular polygon needs similar adjustment to transform a geometric shape into a sensory image.

Only at the front, where the door to the garden was, was its smooth, perfectly geometric shape broken.

It consists of outlining hidden geometric shapes in larger complex figures.

These vary from York stone and granite sett look-alikes to hexagonal and other geometric shapes .

A perfect circle then forms within which a powerful geometric shape used in worship appears.


A measured, geometric square, stood on edge, seems too tall.

Experiment will reveal that any regular polygon needs similar adjustment to transform a geometric shape into a sensory image.

I brought him some geometric abstractions -- he was not into abstraction anymore -- he was very helpful.

Red brick dormitories and concrete buildings that rose like geometric blocks from a foundation of asphalt and cement.

Roller blinds offer a good deal of scope through colour and fabric combinations, from floral patterns to bold geometric prints.

The projection of triangles Projective geometry evolved out of the geometric perspective, beloved of Renaissance architects, engineers and painters.

Then you can soften the geometric shapes a bit.

Very commonly, people see static landscapes, moving faces or a sequence of pictures or geometric shapes.

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