a woodland/wetland/grassland/marshland habitat (= a place in a wood, etc where animals and plants live or grow )
The owl inhabits woodland habitats from Scotland to southern Spain.
The main cause is the expansion of farming on to permanent grassland and the widespread use of fertilisers.
Its main attractions are the optimal utilisation of permanent grassland and the control of internal parasitism without resort to therapy.
In winter most Golden Plover are found on coastal farmland, including the permanent grassland of the levels.
The mid-grey is permanent grassland while the light areas are intensively-cultivated fields of peas, beans and other cash crops.
The total cereal area is 280,000 hectares and permanent grassland covers 68% of the utilised agricultural land in the Auvergne.
Total permanent grassland represented 65% of the utilised agricultural land and this proportion has changed little over the years.
The rate of loss of moorland and rough grassland is accelerating.
Only if sheep graze a combination of rough grassland and heather moor will the grassland slowly extend at the expense of moorland.
Not all of the losses of moor and rough grassland can be attributed to agricultural change.
Not all of the losses of moorland and rough grassland to agricultural development are the result of surface cultivation and grass seeding.
Festuca rubra - Armeria maritima maritime grassland .
In my village there also rice fields, grassland and wetland.
It's found in lowland areas on chalk grassland and among sand dunes.
Leaving the grassland behind, the terrain became more barren with cliffs and rocks tumbling down into the sea.
Material also available on animal welfare, patterns of food consumption and grassland utilisation.
Not all of the losses of moorland and rough grassland to agricultural development are the result of surface cultivation and grass seeding.
The Vredo range of shallow grassland injectors comprises four models.
There were a few areas of welcome grassland like the one that rose ahead of him almost as soon as he left the Park behind.