Perhaps Margaret just wants that corpse to be her husband's, to give her something to grieve over .
That Liza did not appear to share these sentiments was something which Harriet grieved over and found hard to accept.
Polly was not the only one still grieving for the past.
He and I still grieve for Langford, but our search for him has changed.
She is still grieving deeply after the death of her beloved husband and manager Bobby Willis last October.
After all, in a secular age when religious rituals have lost meaning for many, the grieving still need comfort.
This family is still grieving for the son who was killed just a matter of weeks ago.
Implicitly, unconsciously, subconsciously, the family still grieved the loss of its only daughter.
Sophia is grieving the loss of her sister, who died during open-heart surgery.
I grieve the loss of her companionship, but I haven't lost her friendship.
Implicitly, unconsciously, subconsciously, the family still grieved the loss of its only daughter.
It's healthy to take time to grieve after the death of a loved one.
It is a terrible tragedy for this small community. Everyone here is grieving.
Millet continued to grieve for his wife for many years after her death.
People must be allowed to grieve the loss of a relative for as long as they need to.
He and I still grieve for Langford, but our search for him has changed.
If the women of the tyrant nations do not grieve for the crimes of those nations, who will?
Once again I was slow to grieve .
Or you may be grieving for your partner or client.
She thought and worked and grieved only for a day at a time.
To unburden themselves of arranging and directing these tasks, grieving families turn to funeral directors.
Yet they are not supposed to grieve .